Common St. Johnswort

Common St. Johnswort

Hypericum perforatum


Aaron's Beard, Common Goatweed, Jerusalem Star, Klamath Weed, St. John's Wort, Tipton Weed

ID Characteristics

Life cycle: Perennial
Growth Habit: Low frequently branching plant
Propagation: Seed, underground rhizomes and above ground stems
Leaf Margin: Entire with scattered black dots along the lower surface margin
Leaf Hairs: The reddish stems and leaves are hairless
Leaf Structure: Simple, oblong without a petiole
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Root Type: Rhizomatous with basal offshoots
Flower Color: Yellow five-petaled with numerous stamens and black dots along the tips of the petals.


Similar Species

  • St. John's Wort, Dotted Hypericum punctatum

Herbicidal Control Options

  • Preemergence: Selective control option not available
  • Post Emergence: Selective control option not available

Please note: one or more of these active ingredients may exist in combination-type brand name products. Any material used for herbicidal control of any plant may vary in efficacy. Please read the full disclaimer on herbicide usage.