Elsa Sánchez, Ph.D.

Elsa Sánchez, Ph.D.

  • Professor of Horticultural Systems Management
315 Tyson Bldg.
University Park, PA 16802

Areas of Expertise

  • Sustainable vegetable systems
  • Organic vegetable systems
  • Field vegetable production systems
  • High tunnel vegetable production systems
  • Hydroponic vegetable systems


  • Ph.D., Horticulture, Washington State University, 2001
  • M.S., Agriculture Biology, New Mexico State University, 1996
  • B.S., Horticulture, New Mexico State University, 1994

I am a commercial vegetable specialist at Penn State's University Park campus with a 60% extension and 40% teaching appointment.

My extension program aims to develop and disseminate science-based information to assist vegetable farmers in making informed production decisions. It includes applied research focusing on studying solutions to problems farmers face and evaluating new techniques and technologies for producing vegetables. Areas of emphasis include cultivar evaluation, nutrient management with organic nutrient sources, cultural pest management strategies, reduced tillage, and hydroponics systems management. I have conducted trials in field settings, high tunnels, and greenhouses and have evaluated numerous vegetable crops in organic and conventional systems.

Click here to find recent Extension publications.

I also teach several undergraduate courses: 

  • Horticultural Systematics (HORT 232, 3 credits) In this course, we explore the biosystematics and taxonomy of important horticultural plants. It includes a weekly laboratory session and is offered every Spring semester.
  • Vegetable Crops (HORT 433, 3 credits) In this course, we study the cultural requirements of important vegetable crops in conjunction with physiological processes and problems related to commercial production. It includes a weekly laboratory session and is offered every other Fall semester.
  • Hydroponics and Aquaponics (HORT 453, 3 credits) In this course, we examine the principles and practices in hydroponics and aquaponics systems, design, management, and crop production. It includes a weekly laboratory session and is offered every Fall semeste
Refereed Publications - 20+