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- Professor of Horticultural Physiology
- Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Agronomy
Areas of Expertise
- Soil Fertility
- Soil Testing
- Nutrient Management
- Manure Management
- Associate Professor of Horticulture
- Professor of Plant Stress Biology
Areas of Expertise
- Root phenomics
- Anatomical traits affecting water and nutrient acquisition
- Genome-wide association studies
- Root hairs
- Professor Emeritus of Molecular Genetics
- Past Director of The Schatz Center for Tree Molecular Genetics
Areas of Expertise
- Genomics
- Conservation Genetics
- Renewable Energy
- Biotechnology
- Professor Emeritus of Plant Breeding and J. Franklin Styer Professor Emeritus of Horticultural Botany
- Professor of Horticulture
- Extension Specialist, Tree Fruit Production
Areas of Expertise
- Deciduous Tree Fruit Production
- Tree Fruit Rootstocks
- Pruning and Training Tree Fruit
- Apple Varieties
- Tree fruit nutrition
- Asian pear varieties
- Impact of climate change on tree fruit production
- Emeritus Professor of Weed Science and Extension Weed Specialist
Areas of Expertise
- Managing weedy plants in agroecosystems
- Conservation tillage and cover crops
- Herbicide use
- Integrated weed management
- Weed management in organic cropping systems
- Professor Emeritus of Horticulture and Plant Ecosystem Health
Areas of Expertise
- Air Pollution Injury on Plants
- Air Quality and Ecosystem Responses
- Environmental Plant Physiology
- Vegetable Crops
- Photomorphogenesis (light regulated plant growth)
- Professor Emeritus of Forage Management
Areas of Expertise
- Forage Crop Establishment, Management and Utilization
- Perennial Warm-Season Grass Establishment and Management
- Professor Emeritus of Horticultural Physiology
- Professor of Floriculture
- Retired Professor of Horticultural Ecology
Areas of Expertise
- Turfgrass weed management
- Turfgrass nutrient management
- Irrigation water quality
- Composts as soil amendments
- Evaluation of turfgrass species and cultivars
- Management and selection of grasses for non-mowed/naturalized areas
- University Distinguished Professor
Areas of Expertise
- crop ecophysiology
- plant adaptation to abiotic stress
- plant genetics
- simulation modeling
- Professor of Horticulture
Areas of Expertise
- Tree and Small Fruit Physiology
- Fruit production systems
- Data Analysis
- Associate Professor of Landscape Contracting
- Program Coordinator, Turfgrass Science Major
- Professor of Soil Science
- Director, Center for Sports Surface Research
Areas of Expertise
- Turfgrass Soil Physical Properties
- Playing surface characterization and safety
- Athletic Field and Golf Course Drainage
- Athletic Field and Golf Course Construction and Maintenance
- Professor of Weed and Applied Plant Ecology
- Professor Emeritus of Vegetable Crops
- Professor Emeritus of Plant Breeding
- Emeritus Professor of Agronomy
Areas of Expertise
- Grain crop management
- Corn management and hybrid evaluation
- Corn silage management
- Soybean management and variety evaluation
- Winter wheat management and variety evaluation
- Winter barley management and variety evaluation
- Interseeding cover crops in corn and soybeans
Areas of Expertise
- Tree fruit production
- Orchard management systems
- Crop load management of tree fruit
- Fruit tree pruning and training
- Professor Emeritus of Plant Physiology
- Adjunct Associate Professor of Agronomy, USDA-ARS
- Professor Emeritus of Turfgrass Management
- Associate Professor of Floriculture