John E. Kaminski, Ph.D.

John E. Kaminski, Ph.D.

  • Professor of Turfgrass Science, Department of Plant Science
  • Director, Golf Course Turfgrass Management Program
16 Tyson Building
University Park, PA 16802

Areas of Expertise

  • Turfgrass Science
  • Cannabis Science
  • Pest Management


  • * Ph.D., Natural Resource Sciences, The University of Maryland, 2004
  • * M.S., Agronomy, The University of Maryland, 2001
  • * B.S., Turfgrass Science, The Pennsylvania State University, 1998
  • * B.S., Landscape Contracting, The Pennsylvania State University, 1998

John currently serves as the Director of the Golf Course Turfgrass Management Program at Penn State. He served as the 1st Tombros Early Career Professor and is currently Professor and Associate Department Head of the Department of Plant Science. 

John has extensive experience in the area of golf course turfgrass management and specifically in the management of turfgrass diseases. He has been responsible for or associated with the discovery of four new turfgrass diseases on golf courses. His research focuses on the cultural and chemical management of turfgrass pests and also conducts agronomic research in the emerging hemp industry.

In his role as Director of the Golf Course Turfgrass Management Program, John is responsible for mentoring future golf course superintendents in and out of the classroom. He also serves as Co-Advisor for the Penn State Turf Club.

Professional Background

  • Professor, Turfgrass Science, The Pennsylvania State University, 2018-present.
  • Associate Professor, Turfgrass Science, The Pennsylvania State University, 2012-2018.
  • Assistant Professor, Turfgrass Science, The Pennsylvania State University, 2009-2012.
  • Assistant Professor, Turfgrass Pathology, University of Connecticut, 2005–2008.
  • Ph.D. Graduate Research Assistant, University of Maryland, 2001–2004.
  • M.S. Graduate Research Assistant, University of Maryland, 1998–2001.
  • Student Intern, Penn State Turf Research Facility, April-August 1998
  • Student Intern, Congressional Country Club, Bethesda, MD, May-September 1997
  • Student Intern, Desert Mountain Properties, Scottsdale, AZ, February-August 1996

Honors and Awards

  • Tombros Early Career Professor, 2014-2018
  • Musser International Turfgrass Foundation's 2005 Award of Excellence
  • Northeastern American Phytopathological Society Student Paper Award 1st Place, 2004
  • Crop Science Society of America C-5 Poster Contest Industrial Relations Committee Award 1st Place, 2003
  • R.F. Davis Memorial Scholarship, 2003
  • Southern Nursery Association Sidney B. Meadows Scholarship, 2003
  • College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Outstanding Graduate Student, 2003
  • Department of Natural Resource Sciences and Landscape Architecture Outstanding Graduate Student, 2003
  • Golf Course Superintendents Association of America Watson Fellowship, 2002


Poa annua ecology, biology, and integrated weed management practices in turfgrass
Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management, McCurdy, James D., Bowling, Rebecca G., de Castro, Edicarlos B., Patton, Aaron J., Kowalewski, Alec R., Mattox, Clint M., Brosnan, James T., Ervin, David E., Askew, Shawn D., Goncalves, Clebson G., Elmore, Matthew T., McElroy, J. Scott, McNally, Brandon C., Pritchard, Benjamin D., Kaminski, John E., Gannon, Travis W., Unruh, J. Bryan, Bagavathiannan, Muthukumar V., 2025

Nonsynthetic herbicides for turfgrass: Assessing frequency of consumer information and regional performance for annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) control
International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, Askew, Shawn, Goncalves, Clebson, Romero, Juan, De Castro, Edicarlos, McCurdy, James, McKeithen, Chase, Unruh, J. Bryan, Tang, Kaiyan, Kaminski, John, 2025

Efficacy of integrated cultural practices for dollar spot disease management on creeping bentgrass and bermudagrass
International Turfgrass Society Research Journal (ITSRJ), Shahoveisi, Fereshteh, Shah, Kabita, Koch, Paul, Kaminski, John, Roberson, Travis, McCall, David, Nangle, Edward, 2025

Multi-state survey to identify suspected resistance to four herbicides and one plant growth regulator in Poa annua
Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management, Bowling, Rebecca G., McCurdy, James D., de Castro, Edicarlos, Patton, Aaron J., Brosnan, James T., Askew, Shawn D., Breeden, Gregory K., Elmore, Matthew T., Gannon, Travis W., Gonçalves, Clebson G., Kaminski, John E., Kowalewski, Alec R., Liu, Wenwen, Mattox, Clint M., McCarty, Lambert B., McCullough, Patrick E., McElroy, J. Scott, McKeithen, Chase, Osburn, Andrew, Rogers, Ronald R., Rutland, Claudia Ann, Tang, Kaiyuan, Taylor, Jacob W., Unruh, J. Bryan, Vargas, Jose J., Bagavathiannan, Muthukumar V., 2024

Using survey results to direct future extension efforts in annual bluegrass management
Natural Sciences Education, Kowalewski, Alec R., Mattox, Clint M., Brosnan, J. T., Kaminski, J. E., Patton, Aaron J., McCurdy, Jay D., Bowling, Rebecca G., Gannon, Travis W., Askew, Shawn D., McElroy, J. Scott, Unruh, J. Bryan, Elmore, Matthew T., Carroll, D. E., De Castro, Edicarlos B., 2023

Extension event attendance increases adoption of weed management practices by sports field managers
Weed Technology, Frisvold, George B., Agme, Chandrakant, Ervin, David, Allen, Jennifer, Askew, Shawn, Bowling, Rebecca Grubbs, Brosnan, James, Elmore, Matthew, Gannon, Travis, Kaminski, John, McCarty, Lambert, McCurdy, James D., Patton, Aaron J., Taylor, Jacob, Unruh, J. Bryan, Bagavathiannan, Muthukumar, 2023

A revolution in plant health: The pioneering role of drone technology in the turfgrass sector, Kaminski, John, 2023

Developing and implementing a sustainable, integrated weed management program for herbicide-resistant Poa annua in turfgrass
Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management, McCurdy, James D., Bowling, Rebecca G., de Castro, Edicarlos B., Patton, Aaron J., Kowalewski, Alec R., Mattox, Clint M., Brosnan, James T., Ervin, David E., Askew, Shawn D., Goncalves, Clebson G., Elmore, Matthew T., McElroy, J. Scott, McNally, Brandon C., Pritchard, Benjamin D., Kaminski, John E., Bagavathiannan, Muthukumar V., 2023

Spring is just around the corner, Kaminski, John, 2023

A View From the Experts
Tee to Green, Kaminski, John, 2023

Reverse Resistance
Lawn & Landscape, Bowling, B., Ervin, D., McCurdy, J., Dixon, M., Patton, A., Elmore, M., Gannon, T., Kaminski, John, Kowalewski, A., McElroy, J., Unruh, J., Bagavathiannan, M., 2023

Thatch Collapse, Kaminski, John, 2023

Bentgrass Dead Spot, Kaminski, John, 2023

Annual bluegrass seedling emergence pattern, Tang, Kaiyuan, Kaminski, John, Shahoveisi, Fereshteh, 2023

Buckhorn plantain resistance to synthetic auxin herbicides, McNally, Brandon, Patton, Aaron, Kaminski, John, McCullough, Patrick, Law, Quincy, 2023

The ChatGPT Paradox, Peppers, John, Koo, Daewon, Kaminski, John, Askew, Shawn, 2023

An Introduction to Turfgrass Diseases, Kaminski, John, 2023

Integrated cultural practices for managing dollar spot disease in turfgrass: Multistate field study insights, Shah, Kabita, Koch, Paul, Kaminski, John, McCall, David, Nangle, Edward, Shahoveisi, Fereshteh, 2023

Turfgrass Weed Management without Synthetic Herbicides
California Weed Science Society (CWSS), Goncalves, C. G., DeCastro, E., McCurdy, J., Askew, S., McKeithen, C., Kaminski, John, 2023

Poa annua, Herbicide resistance, and the lawn care operator
Lawn and Landscape, Bowling, R., Ervin, D. E., Dixon, L. M., Montry, A., Patton, A. J., Kaminski, John, 2023

Annual bluegrass seedling emergence patterns
Proceedings of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, Tang, Kaiyuan, Kaminski, John, 2022

Evaluation of Demethylation inhibitor (DMI) fungicides to manage resistant Clarireedia jacksonii populations on a golf course fairway, Shaw, K., Kahiu, Maureen, Lulis, T., Kaminski, John, 2022

Herbicide-Resistance in Turf Systems: Insights and Options for Managing Complexity
Sustainability, Allen, Jennifer H., Ervin, David E., Frisvold, George B., Brosnan, James T., McCurdy, James D., Bowling, Rebecca G., Patton, Aaron J., Elmore, Matthew T., Gannon, Travis W., McCarty, Lambert B., McCullough, Patrick E., Kaminski, John E., Askew, Shawn D., Kowalewski, Alec R., Unruh, J. Bryan, McElroy, J. Scott, Bagavathiannan, Muthukumar V., 2022

Prime disease season is here, Kaminski, John, 2022

PSU Turf Pest Update, Kaminski, John, 2022

Contemporary challenges and opportunities for improved lawn weed management: Insights from U.S. lawn care operators
Outlooks on Pest Management, Ervin, D., Dixon, L., Montry, A., Patton, A., Bowling, B., Elmore, M., Gannon, T., Kaminski, John, Kowalewski, A., McCurdy, J., McElroy, J., Unruh, J., Bagavathiannan, M., 2022

Seedheads, dollar spot, and more., Kaminski, John, 2022

Warmer temperatures moving in., Kaminski, John, 2022

Penn State launches commercial turf pest diagnostic lab
Pennsylvania Turfgrass, Kaminski, John, Bengyella, Louis, 2022

Growers need to be Aware of Cannabis Loving field mice in Pennsylvania, Bengyella, Louis, Di Gioia, Francesco, Kaminski, J., Collins, Alyssa, 2022

International Turfgrass Society, Kaminski, John, 2022

Influence of brush type and brushing frequency on putting green ball roll distance and turfgrass quality
Crop Science, Lulis, Timothy T., Russell, Travis R., Kaminski, John E., 2021

Buckhorn plantain (Plantago lanceolata) resistant to 2,4-D in Pennsylvania and alternative control options
Weed Technology, Russell, Travis R., Lulis, Tim T., Aynardi, Brian A., Tang, Kaiyuan T., Kaminski, John E., 2021

Influence of cultivation method, seeding rate, and fertilizer rate on the establishment of creeping bentgrass for putting green renovation
Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management, Carroll, Devon E., Kaminski, John E., Landschoot, Peter J., 2021

Germinability of annual bluegrass seed during spring in the Eastern United States
Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management, Carroll, Devon E., Brosnan, James T., McCurdy, James D., De Castro, Edicarlos B., Patton, Aaron J., Liu, Wenwen, Kaminski, John E., Tang, Kaiyuan, McCullough, Patrick E., Westbury, David, 2021

Cannabis Science Research Website
Department of Plant Science, Kaminski, John, 2021

Annual bluegrass seedling emergence pattern in Pennsylvania
Proceedings of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, Tang, K., Kaminski, John, 2021

Clarireedia spp. isolates resistance to DMI fungicides
ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Kahiu, M., Kaminski, John, 2021

Efficacy and safety of non-traditional products for the control of annual bluegrass
Northeastern Weed Science Society Annual Meeting, Tang, K., Kaminski, John, 2021

Turfgrass injury from repeated applications of various demethylation inhibitor fungicides
Northeastern Division American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting, Kahiu, M., Kaminski, John, 2021

Control of Dollar Spot on a Golf Course Fairway Using Commercially Available Syngenta Fungicides, Lulis, T., Kaminski, John, 2021

Control of Thatch and Soil Organic Matter on a Golf Course Fairway Using Bio-control Products, Lulis, T., Kaminski, John, 2021

Preventive applications commercially available fungicides for the control of brown patch on perennial ryegrass research lawn, Lulis, T., Kaminski, John, 2021

Preventive applications experimental BASF fungicides for the control of pythium foliar blight on a perennial ryegrass research lawn, Lulis, T., Kaminski, John, 2021

Global impact of trace non-essential heavy metal contaminants in industrial cannabis bioeconomy
Journal of Toxicology - Toxin Reviews, Bengyella, Louis, Kuddus, Mohammed, Mukherjee, Piyali, Fonmboh, Dobgima J., Kaminski, John, 2021

Efficacy of natural herbicides on dandelion (Taraxacum officinale G.H. Weber ex Wiggers) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.) populations
International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, Carroll, Devon, Kaminski, John, Borger, J, 2020

Disease Season 2020 - It wasn't just COVID-19 causing problems
Pennsylvania Turfgrass, Russell, Travis, Kaminski, John, 2020

Alternative control options for 2,4-D-resistant buckhorn plantain, Russell, T, Lulis, T, Tang, K, Kaminski, J, Aynardi, B, 2020

Creeping bentgrass seed germination in growth chambers at optimal and suboptimal temperatures
Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management, Carroll, Devon E., Kaminski, John E., Landschoot, Peter J., 2020

Aerification Recovery Following the Application of Fungicides and Plant Health Products on a Golf Course Putting Green, 2020, Lulis, Tim, Shi, Jessica, Kaminski, John, 2020

Control of Annual Bluegrass Seedheads on a Golf Course Putting Green Using Plant Growth Regulator Products, 2020, Lulis, Tim, Tang, Kaiyuan, Shi, Jessica, Kaminski, John, 2020

Control of Localized Dry Spot on a Golf Course Putting Green Using Experimental and Commercially Available Brandt Plant Health Products, 2020, Lulis, Tim, Shi, Jessica, Kaminski, John, 2020

Gray Snow Mold Control in a Mixed Creeping Bentgrass and Annual Bluegrass Fairway, 2019-2020, Lulis, Tim, Russell, Travis, Kaminski, John, 2020

Lulis, T. T., Shi J., Kaminski J. E. (2020). Non-selective Vegetation Control in a Perennial Ryegrass Lawn Following Application of Herbicides, 2020, Lulis, Tim, Shi, Jessica, Kaminski, John, 2020

Plant Health in a Creeping Bentgrass Putting Green Following the Application of Gorton’s Plant Health Products, 2018, Lulis, Tim, Shi, Jessica, Kaminski, John, 2020

Preventative Applications Commercially Available Syngenta Fungicides for the Control of Brown Patch on Creeping Bentgrass Putting Green, 2020, Lulis, Tim, Shi, Jessica, Kaminski, John, 2020

Preventative Applications of Brandt Health Products for the Control of Anthracnose Basal Rot on an Annual Bluegrass Research Putting Green, 2020, Lulis, Tim, Shi, Jessica, Kaminski, John, 2020

Smooth Crabgrass Control in a Perennial Ryegrass Lawn Following Application of Post-Emergent Herbicides, 2020, Lulis, Tim, Shi, Jessica, Kaminski, John, 2020

Turf Safety on a Fine Fescue Golf Course Rough Using Experimental Herbicides, 2020, Lulis, Tim, Shi, Jessica, Kaminski, John, 2020

Turf Safety on an Annual Bluegrass Golf Course Fairway Using Experimental Fungicides, 2020, Lulis, Tim, Shi, Jessica, Kaminski, John, 2020

White Clover and Dandelion Control in a Perennial Ryegrass Golf Course Following the Application of Various Herbicides, 2020, Lulis, Tim, Shi, Jessica, Kaminski, John, 2020

Long-term impact of nitrogen, iron sulfate, and plant growth regulators on annual bluegrass populations, Tang, Kaiyuan, Kaminski, John, 2020

Mowing Height and Fertilization Effects on Creeping Bentgrass Incorporation in a Fine Fescue Putting Green, Russell, Travis, Carroll, Devon, Kaminski, John, 2020

Preventative Applications of Commercially Available Syngenta Fungicides for the Control of Anthracnose Basal Rot on an Annual Bluegrass Research Putting Green, 2020, Lulis, T., Kaminski, John, Shi, Jessica, 2020

First report of gray leaf spot on tall fescue in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States
Plant Disease, Russell, Travis, Kaminski, John, Dernoeden, Peter, 2019

First report of magnaporthe oryzae causing gray leaf spot on tall fescue in Delaware and Maryland
Plant Disease, Russell, T. R., Kaminski, J. E., Dernoeden, P. H., 2019

Turfgrass Management Edition 1.0, Turgeon, A, Kaminski, John, 2019

First report of ophiosphaerella agrostidis infecting creeping bentgrass in Wisconsin
Plant Disease, Kaminski, J. E., Russell, T., Koch, P., 2019

First report of Magnaporthe oryzae causing gray leaf spot on tall fescue in the Mid-Atlantic, Russell, T, Kaminski, J, 2019

Preventive fungicide applications for the control of anthracnose basal rot and brown patch on an annual bluegrass research putting green, 2018, Carroll, D, Kaminski, J, Russell, T, 2019

Multi-State Survey and Preliminary Screening to Evaluate Herbicide Resistance Epidemic in Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua L.) in Managed Turfgrass Systems
ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting Abstracts, Grubbs, B, Askew, S, McCarty, L, Elmore, M, Brosnan, J, McCurdy, J, McCullough, P, Unruh, B, Gannon, T, Patton, A, Kaminski, J, Kowaleski, A, McElroy, J, Bagavathiannan, M, 2019

Control of Annual Bluegrass Seedheads on a Golf Course Putting Green Using Maintain CF, Embark and Primo + Proxy, 2019., Lulis, T., Tang, K., Kaminski, J., 2019

Hydraulic fluid type and remediation practices on hydraulic leak injury to creeping bentgrass putting greens
HortTechnology, Kaminski, John E., Lulis, Tim T., Russell, Travis R., 2019

State of the industry
Pennsylvania Turf Magazine, Kaminski, John, 2018

Pythium patch of annual bluegrass
Golf Course Management Magazine, Kaminski, John, Rollo, Patrizia, 2018

Development and validation of a weather-based warning system to advise fungicide applications to control dollar spot on turfgrass
PLoS One, Smith, D. L., Kerns, J. P., Walker, N. R., Payne, A. F., Horvath, B., Inguagiato, J. C., Kaminski, J. E., Tomaso-Peterson, M., Koch, P. L., 2018

Effect of phosphite rate and source on cyanobacteria colonization of putting green turf
Golf Course Management Magazine, Inguagiato, John, Kaminski, John, Lulis, Timothy, 2018

Smooth crabgrass control in a perennial ryegrass lawn following the application of various herbicides, 2019., Lulis, T., Tang, K., Kaminski, J., 2018

PSU Turf
iOS Mobile App Store, Kaminski, John, 2018

iOS Mobile App Store, Kaminski, John, 2018

Broadleaf plantain control in a perennial ryegrass lawn following the application of various herbicides, Kaminski, John, 2018

Efficacy Comparison of GF-3206 for reduced risk registration for turfgrass use, Kaminski, John, 2018

Geographic Distribution, Characterization, and Epidemiology of Pythium-Associated Turfgrass Diseases in Pennsylvania and Mid-Atlantic United States and Identification of an Unknown Potential Pythium Disease of Putting Greens, Kaminski, John, 2018

Northern Field Day Demonstration: How do GameOn and Relzar applied at spring time compare to commercial standards?, Kaminski, John, 2018

Preventive fungicide applications and turf safety on an annual bluegrass research putting green, Kaminski, John, 2018

Preventive fungicide applications for the control of anthracnose basal rot on an annual bluegrass research putting green, Kaminski, John, 2018

Preventive fungicide applications for the control of dollar spot on a creeping bentgrass research fairway, Kaminski, John, 2018

White Clover Control in a Perennial Ryegrass Lawn Following the Application of Various Herbicides, 2020, Kaminski, John, Lulis, Tim, Shi, Jessica, 2018

Effect of phosphite rate and source on cyanobacteria colonization of putting green turf
Crop Science, Inguagiato, John C., Kaminski, John E., Lulis, Timothy T., 2017

Influence of nitrogen, plant growth regulators, and iron sulfate on annual bluegrass
Int. Turfgrass Res. Soc. J., Han, Kyung, Kaminski, John, Lulis, Timothy, 2017

Lignocellulos degrading capabilities of Sphaerobolus stellatus in creeping bentgrass
Int. Turfgrass Res. Soc. J., Baetsen-Young, Amy, Kaminski, John, Tien, M, 2017

Social Media and Electronic Networking Use and Preferences among Undergraduate Turf Science Students
Natural Sciences Education, Bigelow, Cale A., Kaminski, John E., 2016

Germination timing and percentages among bentgrass cultivars
ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting Abstracts, Carroll, D., Kaminski, J., 2016

Influence of height of cut and mowing frequency on ball roll distance and turfgrass quality
ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting Abstracts, Lulis, T., Kaminski, J., 2016

Influence of nitrogen, plant growth regulators and iron sulfate on annual bluegrass populations
ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting Abstracts, Kaminski, J., Lulis, T., Stephens, C., 2016

A super's observations with etiolation
Chips & Putts, Kaminski, J., 2016

Above and beyond
Golf Course Industry Magazine, Kaminski, J., 2016

Attracting students to work for you
North Carolina Turfgrass, Kaminski, J., 2016

Dollar spot resistance and seasonal variability in resistance
Pennsylvania Turfgrass Magazine, Kaminski, J., Stephens, C., 2016

Increase your productivity
Golf Course Industry, Kaminski, J., 2016

Outbreak of mysterious Pythium disease on golf courses
Chips & Putts, Kaminski, J., 2016

Talking the collegiate turf bowl
Golf Course Industry, Kaminski, J., 2016

Insights into the biology of sphaerobolus stellatus as a causal agent of thatch collapse in golf turfs
Crop Science, Baetsen-Young, Amy M., Kaminski, John E., Kasson, Matthew T., Davis, Donald D., 2015

Regulation with trinexapac-ethyl and dew removal at the time of fungicide application did not influence dollar spot control
Hortscience: A Publication of the American Society for Hortcultural Science, Huang, Yu, Kaminski, John E., Landschoot, Peter J., 2015

Anthracnose control on an annual bluegrass putting green with various Syngenta fungicides, Lulis, T., Stephens, C., Kaminski, J., 2015

Brown ring patch suppression in a creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass putting green with Syngenta fungicides, 2015, Lulis, T., Kaminski, J., 2015

Impact of various nutrient products on playability and plant health on a creeping bentgrass research putting green, Kaminski, J., Lulis, T., 2015

Leaf spot control in a Kentucky bluegrass rough with various Bayer fungicides, Lulis, T., Kaminski, J., 2015

Moss control in a creeping bentgrass putting green with various Brandt herbicides, Lulis, T., Kaminski, J., 2015

Preventive control of brown patch on a research fairway with various Syngenta fungicides, Stephens, C., Lulis, T., Kaminski, J., 2015

Preventive control of dollar spot on a creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass research fairway with various Syngenta fungicides, 2015, Stephens, C., Lulis, T., Kaminski, J., 2015

Snow mold control with various fungicides, 2014-2015, Kaminski, J., Lulis, T., 2015

Playability and plant health
Pennsylvania Turfgrass Magazine, Lulis, T., Kaminski, J., 2015

Teaching construction and renovation
Golf Course Industry, Kaminski, J., 2015

Technology's impact on how we water
Golf Course Industry, Kaminski, J., 2015

The big 4-0!
Golf Course Industry, Kaminski, J., 2015