Timothy Lulis
- Teaching and Research Assistant
University Park, PA 16802
- Email ttl101@psu.edu
- Office 814-865-0697
- B.S. in Turfgrass Science, Penn State
Tim is currently a research technician for the Kaminski Lab at Pennsylvania State University where he is also working on a Master's of Science in Agronomy. After graduating From Penn State with a B.S. Turfgrass Science in 2001, Tim began working as an Assistant Superintendent at Chester Valley golf club in Malvern, PA. He then moved onto a position as Supervisor and later as a Production Manager with the Brickman Group landscape company in Southeastern PA. He returned to Penn State in 2009 were he began working in his current position. He resides in Happy Valley with his wife, Jennifer, and his two sons Aiden and Liam.
Tim's primary responsibility is managing the day to day operations of the Kaminski Lab. This involves: initiating and completing field and laboratory research trials, collecting and analyzing data, and creating research reports. A secondary responsibility of Tim's is as an instructor in the Golf Course Turfgrass Management Program. Tim is an instructor for MATH901A Turfgrass Math and ASM902B Irrigation Installation and Maintenance as well as a guest lecturer in TURF924A Construction and Renovation of Turfgrass Sites. Tim also serves as a mentor to graduate students in the lab through guidance and support in learning research techniques and applications.
Tim's M.S. thesis is focusing on playability and the plant health of golf course greens during tournament preparations. The hope is to uncover the ideal formula for prepping greens for tournament play. The plan is to: 1) Explore the influence of various cultural and chemical practices on golf course putting green playability, 2) Examine the impact of these cultural practices on turfgrass plant health, and 3) Correlate the influence of various cultural programs on green speed from data collected from golf course superintendents. Ultimately, the research goal is to identify ways to maximize tournament conditions without adding additional negative stress to plant health from practices that are not resulting in playability improvements.