Selected publications.


Curran WS, Hoover RJ, Mirsky SB, Roth GW, Ryan MR, Ackroyd VJ, Wallace J, Dempsey MA, Pelzer CJ (2018) Evaluation of cover crops interseeded into corn (Zea mays L.) across the mid-Atlantic region. Agronomy Journal 110:435-443

Wallace J, Keene C, Curran WS, Mirsky SB, Ryan MR, VanGessel MJ (2018) Integrated weed management strategies in cover crop-based, organic rotational no-till corn and soybean in the mid-Atlantic region. Weed Science. 66:94-108.


Wallace J, Curran WS, Mirsky SB, Ryan MR (2017) Tolerance of interseeded annual ryegrass and red clover cover crops to residual herbicides in mid-Atlantic corn cropping systems. Weed Technology. 31:641-650

Wallace J, Williams A, Liebert J, Ackroyd VJ, Vann RA, Curran WS, Keene CL, VanGessel MJ, Ryan MR, Mirsky SB (2017) Cover crop-based, organic rotational no-till corn and soybean production systems in the mid-Atlantic United States. Agriculture. 7:34

Keene C, Curran W, Wallace J, Ryan M, Mirsky SB, VanGessel M, Barbercheck M (2017) Cover crop termination timing is critical in organic rotational no-till systems. Agronomy Journal 109:272-282

Rivers A, Mullen C, Wallace J, Barbercheck M (2017) Cover crop-based reduced tillage system influences Carabidae (Coleoptera) activity, diversity and trophic group during transition to organic production. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 32:538-551


Curran WS, Wallace J, Mirsky SB, Crockett B (2015) Hairy vetch (Vicia villosa) control options in winter wheat production. Weed Technology 29:509-518

Mirsky SB, Wallace J, Curran WB, Crockett B (2015) Seedbank dynamics of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa) and implications for cover crop management. Agronomy Journal 107:2391-2400