Many of our faculty maintain research lab Web sites highlighting their research programs and facilities. Our well-equipped laboratories and state-of-the-art equipment support a broad range of study.
Understanding natural and agricultural systems through biophysical simulation models.

A weed research program that focuses on furthering our understanding of basic weed biology and ecology to improve weed management.

Our goal is to identify emerging problems facing the industrial hemp industry and provide real-world solutions based on results of our research.

Learn more about the viticulture program at Penn State.

We are an interdisciplinary research group developing innovative ways to harness the soil and plant microbiomes to mitigate plants’ biotic and abiotic stresses and promote sustainability in agroecosystems.
We work towards the sustainable intensification of grain crops, such as corn, soybean, wheat and other small grains.

Our goal is to provide basic knowledge and technology towards the improvement of crops, poverty and hunger reduction, water resource management, sustainable international development, and climate change on a meaningful scale.

The overall research focus of the Roots Lab at Penn State is understanding the genetic, physiological, and ecological basis of plant adaptation to infertile soils.

Harnessing soil biogeochemical cycles and the latest in agricultural technology to promote crop production systems that optimize yield and environmental benefits.

Our goals are to conduct research into the control of insect pest populations in turfgrass, while protecting the environment, and providing sustainable, real world solutions to turf professionals.

Our goal is to identify emerging problems facing the turfgrass industry and provide real-world solutions based on results of our research.

Our goal is to research and advance novel technologies and solutions that have the potential to improve the sustainability of current vegetable production systems and enhance the quality of vegetable products.

The Weed Ecology Lab studies applied plant ecology questions using the latest in empirical methods and mathematical models.

Our lab focuses on weed ecology and management in Pennsylvania field and forage crops.