Turfgrass Pest Management Lab
Our goal is to identify emerging problems facing the turfgrass industry and provide real-world solutions based on results of our research.
The turfgrass industry is constantly evolving with new challenges appearing annually. Our lab focuses on identifying key problems faced by golf course superintendents and others in the turfgrass industry, conducting basic and applied research trials to solve these issues, and providing cultural and chemical management solutions for end users.
While our lab focuses heavily on disease management and the identification of new and emerging diseases on golf courses, we conduct a wide range of studies related to golf course management.
Our Core Research Areas
- Biology of new pathogens and epidemiology of emerging diseases
- Management of annual bluegrass
- Putting green playability and plant health
- Cultural and chemical management of turfgrass diseases
- Utilization of emerging technologies
We welcome prospective graduate students and collaborators interested in novel, multidisciplinary research that seeks to solve real-world problems.
Our work involves a number of graduate students and colleagues at Penn State, and collaborators from other institutions. For more information on our lab or research opportunities, please contact Dr. Kaminski.
Latest News
March 17, 2022
Past and current students share Musser Award of Excellence
Travis Russell, a doctoral candidate in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences, left, and Devon Carroll, a graduate of the college, are co-honorees of the Musser Award of Excellence.
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January 26, 2022
Maureen Kahiu Successfully Defends MS thesis
Maureen Kahiu defended her research on the impact of DMIs on dollar spot.
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November 22, 2021
Presentation - Pythium patch: a new disease of annual bluegrass putting greens
Travis Russell, Ph.D. Candidate in Plant Science, discusses his research on the identification of Pythium species causing a new disease of annual bluegrass putting greens.
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October 29, 2021
Presentation - Variation in pathogen suppression and phytotoxicity to turfgrass among the DMIs
Master of Science student, Maureen Kahiu, discusses her research on the variation in pathogen suppression in vitro from 9 commercially available DMI fungicides and also the variation in phytotoxicity that exists among fungicides and between turfgrass species.
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