Explore plant adaptation to climate and other stressors by using emerging tools to address interactions between genotype, environment, and management.

Develop and apply a better understanding of plant adaptation to climate and other abiotic and biotic stressors by using emerging and increasingly more sophisticated tools addressing the interactions between genotype, environment, and management, thus maintaining our expertise and leadership in this area.


  • Identify plant traits that can be managed to withstand existing and emerging stressors.
  • Improve plant growth and development models, as well as pest prediction models that can address shifts in regional and global climate.
  • Work with our stakeholders to understand their plant stressors and opportunities to assist them.
  • Develop genetic and molecular understanding of plant metabolic processes that are important for abiotic and biotic stress tolerance.

Centers and Research Areas

Faculty Working in This Area

Plant Stress Resilience researchers working in the Department of Plant Science at Penn State.