2005–2006 Data

Abrasion index of ten synthetic turf products prior to and after grooming¹.
Treatment Abrasion Index²
2005 2006
4 August 7-8 September 6 July 21 September

¹ In 2005, grooming of wear and no wear plots occurred on 5 Aug and 9 Aug 2005. In 2006, grooming of wear and no wear plots occurred on 23-24 Aug 2006.
² Abrasion index is determined by pulling foam blocks in a weighted sled across the plots in 4 directions and determining the loss (by weight) of the blocks. Abrasiveness index = [(starting block weight - final block weight)/6] *100.
³ 4 Aug testing performed after wear simulating 96 games. 7-8 Sep testing performed after grooming of all plots on 5 and 9 Aug 2005. 6 Jul testing performed after wear simulating 108 games. 21 Sep testing performed after grooming of all plots on 23-24 Aug 2006.
NR = Not Rated in 2006.

No Wear
Astroplay 37.4 36.9 NR NR
Astroturf 57.4 60.2 54.8 60.1
Experimental 46.7 44.0 NR NR
Fieldturf 36.0 36.2 39.9 38.9
Geoturf 52.0 54.1 NR NR
Nexturf 36.1 38.7 NR NR
Omnigrass 41 38.4 38.6 40.8 41.1
Omnigrass 51 34.6 36.7 38.0 40.6
Sofsport 40.0 37.1 42.8 45.2
Sprintturf 40.5 43.3 47.2 52.7
Astroplay 36.3 35.0 NR NR
Astroturf 53.4 59.2 48.2 53.4
Experimental 42.7 40.4 NR NR
Fieldturf 36.1 38.4 39.5 39.8
Geoturf 45.3 43.6 NR NR
Nexturf 36.5 38.8 NR NR
Omnigrass 41 39.2 38.9 43.4 43.6
Omnigrass 51 37.1 37.3 41.7 40.6
Sofsport 37.3 33.0 39.6 42.2
Sprintturf 36.1 37.3 39.2 45.0
LSD (p=0.05) 0.9 1.2 3.7 3.0

2007 Data

Abrasion index of six synthetic turf products prior to and after grooming¹
Treatment Abrasion Index²
13 Jun 2007 20 Jun 2007
  • ¹ Grooming of wear and no wear plots occurred on 18 Jun 2007.
  • ² Abrasion index is determined by pulling foam blocks in a weighted sled across the plots in 4 directions and determining the loss (by weight) of the blocks. Abrasiveness index = [(starting block weight − final block weight)/6] x 100.
  • ³ 13 Jun testing performed after wear simulating 108 games. 20 Jun testing performed after grooming of all plots on 18 Jun 2007.
No Wear
Astroturf 44.2 47.8
Fieldturf 36.6 33.2
Omnigrass 41 38.9 40.3
Omnigrass 51 37.2 35.7
Sofsport 44.2 40.0
Sprintturf 46.6 42.8
Astroturf 39.6 43.9
Fieldturf 35.8 34.3
Omnigrass 41 42.3 38.9
Omnigrass 51 40.5 36.1
Sofsport 41.6 38.2
Sprintturf 38.8 34.4
LSD (p=0.05) 5.6 4.5

2008 Data

Abrasion index of six synthetic turf products prior to and after grooming¹
Treatment Abrasion Index²
30 Sep 2008 9 Jun 2009
  • ¹ Grooming of wear and no wear plots occurred on 21 May 2009.
  • ² Abrasion index is determined by pulling foam blocks in a weighted sled across the plots in 4 directions and determining the loss (by weight) of the blocks. Abrasiveness index = [(starting block weight − final block weight)/6] x 100.
  • ³ 30 Sep testing performed after wear simulating 96 games. 9 Jun testing performed after grooming of all plots on 21 May 2009.
No Wear
Astroturf 55.0 48.9
Fieldturf 41.7 32.2
Omnigrass 41 41.2 37.6
Omnigrass 51 44.2 35.7
Sofsport 46.3 38.5
Sprintturf 48.0 43.6
Astroturf 49.8 43.6
Fieldturf 39.9 31.4
Omnigrass 41 48.1 37.0
Omnigrass 51 45.3 34.9
Sofsport 45.0 34.6
Sprintturf 42.1 32.5
LSD (p=0.05) 6.4 2.9

2009 Data

Abrasion index of six synthetic turf products prior to and after grooming¹
Treatment Abrasion Index²
09 Sep 2009 03 Oct 2009
  • ¹ Grooming of wear and no wear plots occurred on 21 May 2009.
  • ² Abrasion index is determined by pulling foam blocks in a weighted sled across the plots in 4 directions and determining the loss (by weight) of the blocks. Abrasiveness index = [(starting block weight − final block weight)/6] x 100.
  • ³ FlexSand 1.25 = FlexSand installed as infill at 3.2 cm
  • 4FlexSand 1.50 = FlexSand installed as infill at 3.8 cm
  • 5FlexSand 1.75 = FlexSand installed as infill at 4.4 cm
  • 69 Sep testing performed after wear simulating 96 games. 3 Oct testing performed after grooming of all plots on 15 September 2009.
No Wear
Astroturf 50.9 53.0
Fieldturf 37.6 38.2
Omnigrass 41 42.8 42.9
Omnigrass 51 38.7 42.7
Sofsport 42.5 43.3
Sprintturf 45.7 50.0
FlexSand 1.25³ 34.0 37.0
FlexSand 1.504 38.4 41.1
FlexSand 1.755 29.1 30.1
Astroturf 42.2 47.5
Fieldturf 34.4 34.5
Omnigrass 41 41.4 41.9
Omnigrass 51 43.4 40.3
Sofsport 41.5 43.1
Sprintturf 36.3 39.9
FlexSand 1.25 40.7 41.3
FlexSand 1.50 42.2 45.2
FlexSand 1.75 35.2 35.3
LSD (p=0.05) 3.8 4.7