April 5, 2023
In a word, yes, the type of soil on the baseball field greatly affects how players perform!

July 12, 2022
New research paper "Survival of Staphylococcus aureus applied to Poa pratensis L. and synthetic turf" recently published in June 2022 International Turfgrass Society Research Journal.

October 13, 2021
Graduate student Evan Mascitti takes a close look at what makes clay so unique

October 6, 2021
Mid-Season Field Checkup article details techniques to get the most out of your field

October 4, 2021
New research journal article outlines the develop of the test methods and inspection items used on synthetic turf NFL game fields prior to all NFL games.

August 11, 2021
Members of Penn State's Center for Sports Surface Research co-authors of new research paper examining NFL lower extremity injury risk

July 15, 2021
George Peters, Supervisor of Grounds at Penn State University joins Jeff and Tanner on the podcast. George supervises all sports venues at Penn State except for baseball. During this episode, turf management of different fields is discussed, including changes made during the COVID pandemic. Beaver Stadium turf management is also discussed

May 21, 2021
A baseball often touches two different surfaces during the same play. This sets baseball apart from other ball sports. Learn about the importance of baseball infield mixes in this article.

May 18, 2021
See Episode 9 for insight into Evan's baseball infield mix research

May 12, 2021

May 1, 2020