2005-2006 Data

Rotational traction determined by ASTM traction standard using 237 pounds of vertical force prior to and after grooming¹.
Treatment Rotational traction (nm)²
2005 2006
3 August 26 August 17 August 1 September
  • ¹In 2005, grooming of wear and no wear plots occurred on 5 and 9 August 2005. In 2006, grooming of wear and no wear plots occurred on 23-24 August 2006
  • ²Rotational traction
  • ³3 August testing performed after wear simulating 96 games. 26 August testing performed after grooming of the plots on 5 and 9 August 2005. 17 August testing performed after wear simulating 108 games. 1 September testing performed after grooming of the plots on 23-24 August 2006.
  • NR = Not Rated in 2006.
No Wear
Astroplay 38.2 40.1 NR NR
Astroturf 46.2 47.4 43.2 55.7
Experimental 37.8 41.1 NR NR
Fieldturf 38.1 42.9 37.1 45.1
Geoturf 42.7 42.3 NR NR
Nexturf 44.8 47.1 NR NR
Omnigrass 41 36.8 42.1 34.1 44.7
Omnigrass 51 36.7 41.0 35.9 44.6
Sofsport 38.7 41.3 37.2 46.8
Sprintturf 37.1 41.3 38.4 46.7
Astroplay 37.7 40.8 NR NR
Astroturf 44.6 54.5 45.5 57.6
Experimental 37.2 41.2 NR NR
Fieldturf 38.8 47.5 42.7 50.0
Geoturf 44.3 46.4 NR NR
Nexturf 43.9 45.9 NR NR
Omnigrass 41 37.0 42.1 38.2 47.7
Omnigrass 51 36.4 40.6 36.7 44.2
Sofsport 38.3 47.1 40.2 49.7
Sprintturf 36.7 44.0 37.3 45.4
LSD (p=0.05) 4.4 4.6 3.2 4.4

2007 Data

Rotational traction determined by ASTM traction standard using 222 pounds of vertical force prior to and after grooming¹
Treatment Rotational traction²
18 Jun 2007 20-21 Jun 2007
  • ¹ Grooming of wear and no wear plots occurred on 18 Jun 2007.
  • ² Rotational traction = peak amount of force (Nm) to initiate rotational motion of footwear.
  • ³ 15 June testing performed after wear simulating 108 games. 20-21 June testing performed after grooming of the plots on 18 Jun 2007.
No Wear
Astroturf 40.4 42.3
Fieldturf 36.4 43.4
Omnigrass 41 33.6 40.1
Omnigrass 51 32.7 37.1
Sofsport 34.7 38.6
Sprintturf 37.7 42.3
Astroturf 41.3 46.7
Fieldturf 35.7 46.0
Omnigrass 41 34.4 53.6
Omnigrass 51 32.8 52.4
Sofsport 35.3 46.0
Sprintturf 36.7 46.5
LSD (p=0.05) 3.1 11.6

2008 Data

Rotational traction determined by ASTM traction standard using 243 pounds of vertical force prior to and after grooming¹
Treatment Rotational traction²
21 May 2008 9 Jun 2008
  • ¹ Grooming of wear and no wear plots occurred on 21 May 2009.
  • ² Rotational traction = peak amount of force (Nm) to initiate rotational motion of footwear.
  • ³ 21 May testing performed after wear simulating 96 games. 6 June testing performed after grooming of the plots on 21 May 2009.
No Wear
Astroturf 72.1 53.0
Fieldturf 68.5 52.0
Omnigrass 41 58.7 49.8
Omnigrass 51 50.5 46.7
Sofsport 63.7 59.2
Sprintturf 66.3 50.9
Astroturf 66.4 59.2
Fieldturf 76.9 66.2
Omnigrass 41 66.5 54.8
Omnigrass 51 58.7 51.4
Sofsport 68.8 50.2
Sprintturf 66.3 54.5
LSD (p=0.05) 9.3 10.2

2009 Data

Rotational traction determined by ASTM traction standard using 272.5 pounds of vertical force prior to and after grooming¹
Treatment Rotational traction (nm)²
3 Sep 2009 24 Sep 2009
  • ¹ Grooming of wear and no wear plots occurred on 15 Sep 2009.
  • ² Rotational traction = peak amount of force (Nm) to initiate rotational motion of footwear.
  • ³ 3 Sep testing performed after wear simulating 96 games. 24 Sep testing performed after grooming of the plots on 15 Sep 2009.
  • 4 FlexSand 1.25 = FlexSand installed as infill at 3.2 cm
  • 5 FlexSand 1.50 = FlexSand installed as infill at 3.8 cm
  • 6 FlexSand 1.75 = FlexSand installed as infill at 4.4 cm
No Wear
Astroturf 72.9 69.2
Fieldturf 69.9 70.3
Omnigrass 41 61.0 58.8
Omnigrass 51 56.0 50.4
Sofsport 71.0 57.5
Sprintturf 67.2 66.6
FlexSand 1.25 4 62.3 58.2
FlexSand 1.50 5 62.2 64.6
FlexSand 1.75 6 56.7 65.8
Astroturf 72.9 87.9
Fieldturf 82.8 83.8
Omnigrass 41 68.6 72.3
Omnigrass 51 64.4 64.8
Sofsport 69.8 71.8
Sprintturf 69.1 66.1
FlexSand 1.25 72.2 69.8
FlexSand 1.50 74.2 76.5
FlexSand 1.75 64.0 69.2
LSD (p=0.05) 9.8 6.6