Posted: June 9, 2020

Graduate students and post-docs from the Roots Lab are preparing for field season at the Rock Springs field site at Penn State University. Safety protocols are in place to ensure physical distancing and proper hygiene while preparing for and planting experiments. Members recently gathered with Rock Springs farm staff to install the plastic on our rain-out shelters, which are used for drought experiments to limit rainfall to plots throughout the summer. They also worked together to plant maize experiments and lay drip irrigation tape.

Good work everyone! Stay healthy!

Video and photos courtesy of Jagdeep Sidhu

Rainout shelters are ready to go with new plastic installed

Lab members work together to plant maize experiment plots

Lab members work together to plant maize experiment plots

Lab members work together to plant maize experiment plots

Maize seedlings emerge to start 2020 field season at Rock Springs

Drip irrigation installed in maize plots for the season
