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Lopez-Valdivia I, M Vallebueno-Estrada, H Rangarajan, K Swarts, BF Benz, M Blake, JS Sidhu, S Perez-Limon, RJH Sawers, HM Schneider, JP Lynch. 2024. In silico analysis of the evolution of root phenotypes during maize domestication in Neolithic soils of Tehuacán. BioRxiv Full Record

Rangarajan H, JP Lynch. 2024. Did crop domestication change the fitness landscape of root response to soil mechanical impedance? An in-silico analysis. AoB mcae201 Full Record

Tian Tian, Jonathan P. Lynch, Kathleen M. Brown. 2024. Responses of root architectural and anatomical traits to low nitrogen stress in rice. BioRxiv 9-24 Full Record

Lopez-Valdivia I, H Rangarajan, M Vallebueno-Estrada, JP Lynch. 2024. Exploring yield stability and the fitness landscape of maize landrace root phenotypes in silico. BioRxiv 9-24 Full Record

Du Pengzhen, Jonathan Lynch, Zhengli Sun, Feng-Min Li. 2024. Does root cortical burden and root axial water transport capacity affect crop yield under stress? A meta-analysis. Plant and Soil, in press 8-1-24 Full Record

Strock CF, CL DePew, JS Sidhu, T Xu, JP Lynch. 2024. Xylem perforation plate phenotypes affect water use and drought adaptation in maize (Zea mays L.). BioRxiv  Full Record

Klein SP, SM Kaeppler, KM Brown, JP Lynch. Integrating GWAS with a gene co-expression network best prioritizes candidate genes associated with root metaxylem phenes in maize. The Plant Genome 17 Full Record

Ndoye MS, Lucas M, Ajmera IB, Sine B, Faye A, Burridge J, Gantet P, Kane NA, Lynch JP, Diédhiou AG, Grondin A, Laplaze L Modeling reveals synergies among root traits for phosphorus acquisition in pearl millet. Crop Design Volume 3, Issue 3, August 2024, 100059 Full Record

Sidhu JS, I Lopez-Valdivia, CF Strock, HM Schneider, JP Lynch. 2024. Cortical parenchyma wall width (CPW) regulates root metabolic cost and maize performance under suboptimal water availability J Exp Botany 75: 5750–5767, Full Record

Sidhu JS, JP Lynch. 2024. Cortical cell size regulates root metabolic cost. The Plant Journal 118(5):1343-1357. Epub 2024 Feb 10. Full Record

Meijer GJ, JP Lynch, JG Chimungu, KW Loades. 2024. Root anatomy and biomechanical properties: Are plant roots individual elements or the sum of their parts? PLSO  Full Record


Galindo-Castañeda T, Martin Hartmann, JP Lynch. 2023. Location: root architecture structures rhizosphere microbial associations. Journal of Experimental Botany accepted Oct 23 2023 Full Record

Hunt H, S Leape, JS Sidhu, I Ajmera, JP Lynch, RG Ratcliffe, LJ Sweetlove.  2023. A role for fermentation in aerobic conditions as revealed by computational analysis of maize root metabolism during growth by cell elongation.  The Plant Journal Full Record

Sidhu JS, I Lopez-Valdivia, CF Strock, HM Schneider, JP Lynch Cortical parenchyma wall width (CPW) regulates root metabolic cost and maize performance under suboptimal water availability. 2023. BioRxiv Full Record

Lynch JP, T Galindo-Castañeda, HM Schneider, J Sidhu, H Rangarajan, LM. York. 2023. Root Phenotypes for Improved Nitrogen Capture (Marschner Review) Plant and Soil Full Record

Sidhu, JS, JP Lynch. 2023. Cortical cell size regulates root metabolic cost. 2023. BioRxiv Full Record

Hanlon, MT, KM Brown, JP Lynch. 2023. LEADER (Leaf Element Accumulation from Deep Roots): a nondestructive phenotyping platform to estimate rooting depth in the field. Crop Science, Full Record

Hannah M. Schneider, Vai S. Lor, Xia Zhang, Patompong Saengwilai, Meredith T. Hanlon, Stephanie P. Klein, Jayne L. Davis, Aditi N. Borkar, Cody L. DePew, Malcolm J. Bennett, Shawn M. Kaeppler, Kathleen M. Brown, Rahul Bhosale, Jonathan P. Lynch. 2023. Transcription factor bHLH121 regulates root cortical aerenchyma formation in maize. PNAS Full Record

Lopez-Valdivia I, X Yang, JP Lynch. 2023. Large root cortical cells and reduced cortical cell files improve growth under suboptimal nitrogen regimes in silico Plant Physiology 192(3): 2261–2275 Full Record

Galindo-Castañeda T, C Rojas, U Karaöz, EL Brodie, KM Brown, JP Lynch. 2023. Influence of root cortical aerenchyma on the rhizosphere microbiome of field-grown maize. 2023. BioRxiv doi: Full Record

Sidhu, JS, I Ajmera, S Arya, JP Lynch. 2023. RootSlice: functional structural modeling of root anatomy. Plant, Cell, and Environment 46:1671-1690 Full Record

Hanlon, MT, P Vejchasarn, JE Fonta, HM Schneider, SR McCouch, KM Brown. 2023 Genome-wide association analysis of root hair traits in rice reveals novel genomic regions controlling epidermal cell differentiation. BMC Plant Biology 23:6 10.1186/s12870-022-04026-5 Full Record


Siangliw JL, B Thunnom, MA Natividad, MR Quintana, D Chebotarov, KL McNally, JP Lynch, KM Brown, A Henry. 2022. Response of Southeast Asian rice root architecture and anatomy phenotypes to drought stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, in press Full Record

Massas ASF, JD Burridge, HM Schneider, D Debouck, KM Brown, JP Lynch. 2022. Comparative phenomics of root architecture and anatomy in Phaseolus species. Crop Science First published: 29 August 2022 Full Record

Schäfer E, I Ajmera, E Farcot, MR Owen, LR Band, JP Lynch.2022. In silico evidence for the utility of parsimonious root phenotypes for improved vegetative growth and carbon sequestration under droughtFrontiers in Plant Science DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1010165 Full Record

Fonta JE, P Vejchasarn, A Henry, JP Lynch, KM Brown. 2022. Many paths to one goal: Identifying integrated rice root phenotypes for diverse drought environments. Frontiers in Plant Science doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.959629 Full Record

Fusi et al (33 coauthors, including JP Lynch) 2022. Root angle is controlled by EGT1 in cereal crops employing a novel anti-gravitropic mechanism PNAS 119 (31) e2201350119 Full Record

Schafer, Ernst, Markus R. Owen, Leah R. Band, Etienne Farcot, Malcolm J. Bennett, JP Lynch. 2022. Modelling root loss reveals impacts on nutrient uptake and crop development Plant Physiology Full Record

Fonta JE, J Giri, P Vejchasarn, JP Lynch, KM Brown. 2022. Spatiotemporal responses to drought in rice roots. Plant Soil Full Record

Martínez-Gómez J, TAM Atluri, IJ Rose, AJ Holliday, CF Strock, JP Lynch, WB Miller, DW Stevenson, CD Specht. 2022. Developmental morphology and anatomy shed light on both parallel and convergent evolution of the umbellate inflorescence in Monocots, underlied by a new variant of metatopyFrontiers in Plant Science, 29 April 2022 DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2022.873505 Full Record

Lopez Valdivia Ivan Alden Perkins, Hannah Schneider, Miguel Vallebueno-Estrada, James Burridge, Eduardo González-Orozco, Aurora Montufar, Rafael Montiel, Jonathan Lynch, Jean-Philippe Vielle-Calzada. 2022. Gradual domestication of root traits in the earliest maize from Tehuacan. PNAS Vol. 119 No. 17 e2110245119 Full Record

Lynch JP. The importance of edaphic stress interactions for plant function: important yet poorly understood drivers of plant production in future climates. Field Crops Research Volume 283, 1 July 2022, 108547  Full Record

Rangarajan H, D Hadka, P Reed, JP Lynch. 2022. Multi-objective optimization of root phenotypes for nutrient acquisition using evolutionary algorithms. The Plant Journal 15 April 2022  Full Record

Clement C, HM Schneider, DB Dresbøll, JP Lynch, K Thorup-Kristensen. 2022. Root and xylem anatomy varies with root length, root order, soil depth, and environment in intermediate wheatgrass Thinopyrum intermedium and Alfalfa Medicago sativa: Implications for water uptake. AOB, in press Full Record

Strock CF, HM Schneider, JP Lynch. 2022. Anatomics: high-throughput phenotyping of plant anatomy. TIPS Full Record

Guang-Jun Wu, Xucun Jia, Christopher Strock, Shu-Ting Dong, Ji-Wang Zhang, Bin Zhao, Jonathan P. Lynch, Peng Liu. 2022. Root anatomical phenotypes related to growth under low nitrogen availability in maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids  Plant Soil 10.1007/s11104-022-05331-6 Full Record

Vanhees D, HM Schneider, JS Sidhu, KW Loades, AG Bengough MJ Bennett, KM Brown, SJ Mooney, JP Lynch. 2022. Genotypic variation in soil penetration by maize roots is negatively related to ethylene-induced thickening. Plant, Cell & Environment 45:789-804 Full Record

Schneider HM, Vai Sa Nee Lor, MT Hanlon, A Perkins, SM Kaeppler, R Bhosale, AN Borkar, X Zhang, J Riodriguez, A Bucksch, MJ Bennett, KM Brown, JP Lynch. Root Angle in Maize Influences Nitrogen Capture and is regulated by ZmCIPK15. 2022. Plant, Cell & Environment 45:837-853 Full Record

Ajmera I, Henry A, Radanielson AM, Klein SP, Ianevski A, Bennett MJ, Band LR, JP Lynch. 2022. Integrated root phenotypes for low nitrogen tolerance in rice. Plant, Cell & Environment 45:805-822 Full Record

Lynch JP, SJ Mooney, CF Strock, HM Schneider. 2022. Future roots for future soils. Plant, Cell & Environment 45:620–636 Full Record

Galindo-Castañeda T, JP Lynch, J Six, M Hartmann. 2022. Improving soil resource uptake by plants through capitalizing synergies between root architecture and anatomy and root-associated microorganisms. Frontiers in Plant Science in press Full Record

Strock CF, H Rangarajan, CK Black, ED Schäfer, JP Lynch. 2022. Theoretical evidence that root penetration ability interacts with soil compaction regimes to affect nitrate capture. Annals of Botany Full Record


Lin PA, Y Chen, G Ponce, FE Acevedo, JP Lynch, CT Anderson, JG Ali, GW Felton. 2021. Stomata-mediated interactions between plants, herbivores, and the environment. TIPS Full Record

Jarquin D, Natalia De Leon, Maria Cinta Romay, Martin O Bohn, Edward S Buckler, Ignacio Antonio Ciampitti, Jode Warren Edwards, David Erlt, Sherry Flint-Garcia, Michael A Gore, Christopher Graham, Candice Hirsch, James Holland, David Hooker, Shawn Kaeppler, Joseph Knoll, Elizabeth C Lee, Carolyn J Lawrence-Dill, Jonathan Lynch, Stephen Moose, Seth C Murray, Rebecca Nelson, Torbert Richard Rocheford, James C Schnable, Pat Schnable, Margaret Smith, Nathan M Springer, Peter Thomison, Mitch Tuinstra, Randall J Wisser, Wenwei Xu, Jianming Yu, Aaron J Lorenz. Utility of Climatic Information via Combining Ability Models to Improve Genomic Prediction for Yield within the Genomes to Fields Maize Project. 2021. Front. Genet., 08 March 2021 Full Record

Holland J et al. (40 authors, including JP Lynch). 2021. The importance of dominance and genotype-by-environment interactions on grain yield variation in a large-scale public cooperative maize experiment. G3 Full Record

Mohammed SB, JD Burridge, MF Ishiyaku, O Boukar, JP Lynch. 2021. Phenotyping cowpea for seedling root architecture reveals root phenes important for breeding phosphorus efficient varieties. Crop Science 62:326-345 Full Record

Schäfer ED, MR Owen, JA Postma, C Kuppe, CK Black, JP Lynch. 2021. Simulating Crop Root Systems Using OpenSimRoot.  Plant Systems Biology, 293-323  Full Record

Lynch JP. 2022. Harnessing root architecture to address global challenges. The Plant Journal 109:415–431 doi: 10.1111/tpj.15560 Full Record

Saengwilai P, J Chimungu, H Rangarajan, C Strock, J Salungyu, JP Lynch. Root hair phenotypes influence nitrogen acquisition in maize. 2021. Annals of Botany, Full Record

Liu, S, C Barrow, M Hanlon, JP Lynch, A Bucksch. 2021. DIRT/3D: 3D phenotyping for field-grown maize (Zea mays). Full Record

Perkins A, JP Lynch. 2021. Increased seminal root number associated with domestication improves nitrogen and phosphorus acquisition in maize seedlings. Annals of Botany, in press. Full Record

Lynch, JP. 2021. Root Biology in the 21st century: challenges and opportunities. Viewpoint.  Annals of Botany, in press. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcab062 Full Record

Lynch JP, CF. Strock, HM Schneider, JS Sidhu, I Ajmera, T Galindo-Castañeda, SP Klein, MT Hanlon. 2021. Root Anatomy and Soil Resource Capture. Plant and Soil 466, 21-63 10.1007/s11104-021-05010-y Full Record

Fernando DR, JP Lynch, MT Hanlon, AR Marshall. 2021. Foliar elemental microprobe data and leaf anatomical traits consistent with drought tolerance in Eucalyptus largiflorens (Myrtaceae)’ Australian Journal of Botany, Full Record

Ruangsiri M, P Vejchasarn, P Saengwilai, JP Lynch, MJ Bennett, KM Brown, C Chutteang, R Boonruangrod, J Shearman, T Toojinda, JL Siangliw. 2021. Genetic Control of Root Architectural Traits in KDML105 Chromosome Segment Substitution Lines under Well-watered and Drought Stress Conditions. Plant Production Science Full Record

Schneider HM, JT Yang, KM Brown, JP Lynch. 2021. Nodal root diameter and node in maize (Zea mays L.) interact to influence growth under nitrogen stress. Plant Direct, in press, BioRxiv. Full Record.

Rangarajan H, JP Lynch. 2021. A comparative analysis of quantitative metrics of root architectural phenotypes. Plant PhenomicsVolume 2021 |Article ID 6953197 | record.

Lin PO, Y Chen, D Chaverra-Rodriguez, CC Heu, NB Zainuddin, JS Sidhu, M Peiffer, CW Tan, A Helms, D Kim, J Ali, JL Rasgon, JP Lynch, CT Anderson, GW Felton 2021. Silencing the alarm: an insect salivary enzyme closes plant stomata and inhibits volatile release. New Phytologist, Full Record

Levin KA, MR Tucker, CF Strock, JP Lynch, DE Mather. 2021. Three-dimensional imaging reveals that positions of cyst nematode feeding sites relative to xylem vessels differ between susceptible and resistant wheat. Plant Cell Reports, 40:393-403 Full record

Vanhees D, KW Loades, AG Bengough SJ Mooney, JP Lynch. 2021. The ability of maize roots to grow through compacted soil is not dependent on the amount of roots formed. Field Crops Research 264: 108013. Full record

Pandey BK, G Huang, R Bhosale, S Hartman, L Jose, CJ Sturrock, OC Martin, M Karady, LACJ Voesenek, K Ljung, JP Lynch, KM Brown, WR Whalley, SJ Mooney, D Zhang, MJ Bennett. 2021. Plant roots sense soil compaction through restricted ethylene diffusion. Science 371:276-280. DOI: 10.1126/science.abf3013. Full Record.  

Schneider HM,  CF Strock, MT Hanlon, DJ Vanhees, AC Perkins, IB Ajmera, JS Sidhu, SJ Mooney KM Brown, JP Lynch. 2021. Multiseriate cortical sclerenchyma enhance root penetration in compacted soils. PNAS Vol. 118(6) e2012087118. Full Record.

Vanhees D, HM Schneider, KW Loades, AG Bengough MJ Bennett, KM Brown, SJ Mooney, JP Lynch. 2021. Genotypic variation in soil penetration by maize roots  is negatively related to ethylene-induced thickening. BioRxiv


Falcon CM et al (39 authors, including JP Lynch). 2020. Relative utility of agronomic, phenological, and morphological traits for assessing genotype-by-environment interaction in maize inbreds. Crop Science 60:62-81 Full Record

Klein SP, JE Reeger, SM Kaeppler, KM Brown, JP Lynch. 2020. Shared genetic architecture underlying root metaxylem phenotypes under drought stress in cereals. BioRxiv. Full record.

Burridge JD, Black CK, Nord EA, Postma JA, Sidhu JS, York LM, Lynch JP. 2020. An analysis of soil coring strategies to estimate root depth in maize (Zea mays) and common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Plant Phenomics, 2020:3252703. Full record

Strock CF, Burridge JD, Niemiec MD, Brown KM, Lynch JP. 2020. Root metaxylem and architecture phenotypes integrate to regulate water use under drought stress. Plant Cell Environ. 44:49-67. Full record

Jochua CN, Strock CF, Lynch JP. 2020. Root phenotypic diversity in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) reveals contrasting strategies for soil resource acquisition among gene pools and races. Crop Science  60:3261–3277 Full record

Schneider HM, Postma JA, Kochs J, Pflugfelder D, Lynch JP, Van Dusschoten D. 2020. Spatio-temporal variation in water uptake in seminal and nodal root systems of barley plants grown in soil. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11:1247. Full record

Burridge JD, Rangarajan H, Lynch JP. 2020. Comparative phenomics of annual grain legume root architecture. Crop Science, 60:2574–2593. Full record

Schneider HM and Lynch JP. 2020. Should Root Plasticity Be a Crop Breeding Target?. Front. Plant Sci.11: 546. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00546. Full record

Strock CF, Lynch JP. 2020. Root Secondary Growth: An Unexplored Component of Soil Resource Acquisition. Annals of Botany, 126(2):205–218. Full record

Klein SP, Schneider HM, Perkins AC, Brown KM, Lynch JP. 2020. Multiple integrated root phenotypes are associated with improved drought tolerance in maize. Plant Physiology, 183:1011-1025. Full record

Vanhees, DJ, Loades KW, Bengough GA, Mooney SJ, Lynch JP. Root anatomical traits contribute to deeper rooting of maize (Zea mays L.) under compacted field conditions. J. Exp. Bot., 71(14):4243–4257. Full record

McFarland BA, AlKhalifah N, Bohn M, Bubert J, Buckler ES, Ciampitti I, Edwards J, Ertl D, Gage JL, Falcon CM, Flint-Garcia S, Gore MA, Graham C, Hirsch CN, Holland JB, Hood E, Hooker D, Jarquin D, Kaeppler SM, Knoll J, Kruger G, Lauter N, Lee EC, Lima DC, Lorenz A, Lynch JP, McKay J, Miller ND, Moose SP, Murray SC, Nelson R, Poudyal C, Rocheford T, Rodriguez O, Romay MC, Schnable JC, Schnable PS, Scully B, Sekhon R, Silverstein K, Singh M, Smith M, Spalding EP, Springer N, Thelen K, Thomison P, Tuinstra M, Wallace J, Walls R, Wills D, Wisser RJ, Xu W, Yeh CT, de Leon N. 2020. Maize Genomes to Fields (G2F): 2014 -2017 field seasons: genotype, phenotype, climatic, soil and inbred ear image datasets. BMC Research Notes 13:71 DOI 10.1186/s13104-020-4922-8. Full record

Schneider HM, Klein SP, Hanlon MT, Brown KM, Kaeppler S, Lynch JP. 2020. Genetic Control of Root Anatomical Plasticity in Maize. Plant Genome, 13:1 DOI: 10.1002/tpg2.20003. Full record

Schneider HM, Klein SP, Hanlon MT, Nord EA, Kaeppler S, Brown KM, Warry A, Bhosale R, Lynch JP. 2020. Genetic Control of Root Architectural Plasticity in Maize, J. Exp. Bot. 71(10):3185–3197. Full record

Benes B, K Guan, M Lang, SP Long, JP Lynch, A Marshall-Colón, B Peng, J Schnable, L Sweetlove, M Turk. 2020. Multiscale computational models can guide experimentation and targeted measurements for crop improvement. The Plant Journal, 103(1): 21-31. Full record


Falcon CM, SM Kaeppler, EP Spalding, ND Miller, N Alkhalifah, M Bohn, ES Buckler, I Ciampitti, J Edwards, D Ertl, S Flint-Garcia, MA Gore, C Graham, CN Hirsch, JB Holland, D Jarquín, J Knoll, N Lauter, EC Lee, CJ Lawrence-Dill, A Lorenz, JP Lynch, SC Murray, R Nelson, T Rocheford, PS Schnable, M Smith, NM Springer, MR Tuinstra, R Walton, RJ Wisser, W Xu, N de Leon. 2019. Relative utility of agronomic, phenological, and morphological traits for assessing genotype-by-environment interaction in maize inbreds. Crop Sci., 60:62-81. Full record

Lorts C, Lynch JP, Brown KM. 2019. Parental effects provisioning under drought and low phosphorus stress in common bean. Food and Energy Security, 9:e00192. Full record

Oyiga BC, Palczak J, Wojciechowski T, Lynch JP, Léon J, Ballvora A. 2019. Genetic components of root architecture and anatomy adjustments to water-deficit stress in spring Barley. Plant, Cell, & Environment, 1-20. Full record

Le Marié C, K-H Camp, A Strigens, JP Lynch, LM York, M Malosetti, A Hund. 2019. Shovelomics root traits assessed on the EURoot maize panel are highly heritable across environments but show low genotype-by-nitrogen interaction. Euphytica, 215:713. Full record

Burridge JD, Findeis JL, Jochua CN, Mubichi-Kut FM, Miguel MA, Quinhentos ML, Xerinda SA, Lynch JP. A case study on the efficacy of root phenotypic selection for edaphic stress tolerance in low-input agriculture: common bean breeding in Mozambique. Field Crops Research, 244:107612. Full record

Strock CF, Schneider HM, Galindo-Castañeda T, Hall BT, Van Gansbeke B, Mather DE, Roth MG, Chilvers MI, Guo X, Brown KM, Lynch JP. 2019. Laser ablation tomography for visualization of root colonization by edaphic organisms. Journal of Experimental Botany, 70(19):5327–5342. Full record

Galindo-Castañeda, T, Brown KM, Kuldau G, Roth G, Wenner N, Ray S, Lynch JP. 2019. Root cortical anatomy is associated with differential pathogenic and symbiotic fungal colonization in maize. Plant, Cell, and Environment. 42(11):2999-3014. Full record

Yang JT, Schneider HM, Brown KM, Lynch JP. 2019. Genotypic variation and nitrogen stress effects on root anatomy in maize are node-specific. Journal of Experimental Botany. 70(19):5311–5325. Full record

Hall B, Lanba A, Lynch J. 2019. Three-dimensional analysis of biological systems via a novel laser ablation technique. J. Laser Appl., (31). Full record

Strock CF, Burridge J, Massas ASF, Beaver J, Beebe S, Camilo SA, Fourie D, Jochua C, Miguek M, Miklas PN, Mndolwa E, Nchimbi-Msolla S, Polania J, Porch TG, Rosas JC, Trapp JJ, Lynch JP. 2019. Seedling Root Architecture and its Relationship With Seed Yield Across Diverse Environments in Phaseolus vulgaris, Field Crops Research, 237(1):53-64. Full record

Oladzad AT, Porch T, Rosas JC, Moghaddam SM, Beaver J, Beebe SE, Burridge J, Jochua CN, Miguel MA, Miklas PN, Ratz B, White J, Lynch JP, McClean P. 2019. Single and multi-trait GWAS identify genetic factors associated with production traits in common bean under abiotic stress environments. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 9(6):1881-1892. Full record

Lynch JP. 2019. Root phenotypes for improved nutrient capture: an underexploited opportunity for global agriculture. New Phytologist, 223(2):548-564. Full record

Duque LO, Villordon A. 2019. Root Branching and Nutrient Efficiency: Status and Way Forward in Root and Tuber Crops, Front. Plant Sci. 10:237. Full record


Hazman M. Brown KM. 2018. Progressive drought alters architectural and anatomical traits of rice roots. Rice, 11:62. Full record

Orman-Ligeza B, Morris EC, Parizot B, Lavigne T, Babe A, Ligeza A, Klein S, Sturrock C, Xuan W, Novak O, Ljung K, Fernandez MA, Rodriguez PL, Dodd IC, De Smet I, Chaumont F, Batoko H, Pe rilleux C, Lynch JP, Bennett MJ, Beeckman T, and Draye X. 2018. The Xerobranching Response Represses Lateral Root Formation When Roots Are Not in Contact with Water, Current Biology, 28:3165-3173. Full record

Fernando DR, Lynch JP, Reichman SM, Clark GJ, Miller RE, Doody TM. 2018. Inundation of a floodplain lake woodlands system: nutritional profiling and benefit to mature Eucalyptus largiflorens (Black Box) trees. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 26(5):961-975. Full record

Jia X, Lui P, Lynch JP. 2018. Greater lateral root branching density in maize (Zea mays L.) improves phosphorus acquisition from low phosphorus soils. Journal of Experimental Botany, 69(20):4961-4970. Full record

AlKhalifah N, DA Campbell, CM Falcon, JM Gardiner, ND Miller, MC Romay, R Walls, R Walton, C-T Yeh, M Bohn, J Bubert, ES Buckler, I Ciampitti, S Flint-Garcia, MA Gore, C Graham, C Hirsch, JB Holland, D Hooker, S Kaeppler, J Knoll, N Lauter, EC Lee, A Lorenz, JP Lynch, SP Moose, SC Murray, R Nelson, T Rocheford, O Rodriguez, JC Schnable, B Scully, M Smith, N Springer, P Thomison, M Tuinstra, RJ Wisser, W Xu, D Ertl, PS Schnable, N De Leon, EP Spalding, J Edwards, CJ Lawrence-Dill. 2018. Maize Genomes to Fields: 2014 and 2015 Field Season Genotype, Phenotype, Environment, and Inbred Ear Image Datasets. BMC Research Notes. Full record

Rangarajan H, Postma JA, Lynch JP. 2018. Co-optimisation of axial root phenotypes for nitrogen and phosphorus acquisition in common bean. Annals of Botany, 122(3):485-499. Full record

Bhosale R, Giri J , Pandey BK , Giehl RFH , Hartmann A , Traini R , Truskina J , Leftley N, Hanlon M , Swarup K, Rashed A, Voß U , Alonso K , Stepanova A , Yun J , Ljung K, Brown KM , Lynch JP , Dolan L , Vernoux T , Bishopp A , Wells D , Wirén N , Bennett MJ & Swarup R. 2018. A mechanistic framework for auxin dependent Arabidopsis root hair elongation to low external phosphate. Nature Communications, Full record

Giri J , Bhosale R , Huang G , Pandey BK , Parker H, Zappala S , Yang J , Dievart A , Bureau C , Ljung K , Price A , Rose T, Larrieu A , Mairhofer S, Sturrock CJ , White P , Dupuy L , Hawkesford M , Perin C , Liang W, Peret B , Hodgman C , Lynch J, Wissuwa M , Zhang D, Pridmore T , Mooney SJ , Guiderdoni E , Swarup R & Bennett MJ. 2018. Rice auxin influx carrier OsAUX1 facilitates root hair elongation in response to low external phosphate. Nature Communications, Full record

Schneider HM, Wojciechowski T, Postma JA, Brown KM, Lynch JP. 2018. Ethylene Modulates Root Cortical Senescence in Barley. Annals of Botany, Full record

Sun B, Gao Y, Lynch JP. 2018. Large crown root number improves topsoil foraging and phosphorus acquisition in maize. Plant Physiology, Full record

Galindo-Castañeda T, Brown KM, Lynch JP. 2018. Reduced root cortical burden improves growth and grain yield under low phosphorus availability in maize. Plant, Cell & Environment, Full record

Lynch JP. 2018. Rightsizing root phenotypes for drought resistance. J Experimental Botany, Full record

Hanlon MT, S Ray, P Saengwilai, D Luthe, JP Lynch, KM Brown. 2018. Buffered delivery of phosphate to Arabidopsis alters responses to low phosphate. J Experimental Botany, Full record

Schneider HM, JP Lynch. 2018. Functional implications of root cortical senescence for soil resource capture. Plant and Soil, Invited Marschner Review, 423:13-26, Full record


Gage J, D Jarquin, M Romay, A Lorenz, E Buckler, S Kaeppler, N Alkhalifah, M Bohn, D Campbell, J Edwards, D Ertl, S Flint-Garcia, J Gardiner, B Good, C Hirsch, J Holland, D Hooker, J Knoll, J Kolkman, G Kruger, N Lauter, C Lawrence-Dill, E Lee, JP Lynch, S Murray, R Nelson, J Petzoldt, T Rocheford, J Schnable, P Schnable, B Scully, M Smith, N Springer, S Srinivasan, R Walton, T Weldekidan, R Wisser, W Xu, J Yu, and N de Leon. 2017. The effect of artificial selection on phenotypic plasticity in maize. Nature Communications, Full record

Strock CF, LM De la Riva, JP Lynch. 2017. Reduction in root secondary growth as a strategy for phosphorus acquisition. Plant Physiology, Full record

Schneider HM, JA Postma, T Wojciechowski, C Kuppe, JP Lynch. 2017. Root cortical senescence improves barley growth under suboptimal availability of N, P, and K. Plant Physiology, Full record

Alexander Bucksch, Acheampong Atta-Boateng, Akomian F. Azihou, Dorjsuren Battogtokh, Aly Baumgartner, Brad M. Binder, Siobhan A. Braybrook, Cynthia Chang, Viktoirya Coneva, Thomas J. DeWitt, Alexander G. Fletcher, Malia A. Gehan, Diego Hernan Diaz-Martinez, Lilan Hong, Anjali S. Iyer-Pascuzzi, Laura L. Klein, Samuel Leiboff, Mao Li, Jonathan P. Lynch, Alexis Maizel, Julin N. Maloof, R. J. Cody Markelz, Ciera C. Martinez, Laura A. Miller, Washington Mio, Wojtek Palubicki, Hendrik Poorter, Christophe Pradal, Charles A. Price, Eetu Puttonen, John B. Reese, Rubén Rellán-Álvarez, Edgar P. Spalding, Erin E. Sparks, Christopher N. Topp, Joseph H. Williams and Daniel H. Chitwood. 2017. Morphological Plant Modeling: Unleashing Geometric and Topological Potential within the Plant Sciences. Frontiers in Plant Science. Full record

Amy Marshall-Colon, Stephen P Long, Douglas K Allen, Gabrielle Allen, Daniel Andrew Beard, Bedrich Benes, Susanne von Caemmerer, AJ Christensen, Donna J Cox, John C Hart, Peter M Hirst, Kavya Kannan, Daniel S Katz, Jonathan Lynch, Andrew J Millar, Balaji Panneerselvam, Nathan D Price, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, David Raila, Rachel G Shekar, Stuti Shrivastava, Diwakar Shukla, Venkatraman Srinivasan, Mark Stitt, Matthew J. Turk, Eberhard O Voit, Yu Wang, Xinyou Yin, Xinguang Zhu. 2017. Crops in silico: Generating virtual crops using an integrative and multi-scale modeling platform. Frontiers in Plant Science. Full record

Postma, J.A., Kuppe, C., Owen, M.R., Mellor, N., Griffiths, M., Bennett, M.J., Lynch J.P., Watt, M. 2017. OpenSimRoot: Widening the scope and application of root architectural models. New Phytologist. Full record

Schneider H, Wojciechowski T, Postma JA, Brown KM, Lücke A, Zeisler V, Schreiber L, Lynch JP. 2017. Root cortical senescence decreases root respiration, nutrient content, and radial water and nutrient transport in barley. Plant, Cell & Environment. Full record

Burridge J, HM Schneider, BL Huynh, PA Roberts, A Bucksch, JP Lynch. 2017. Genome-wide association mapping and agronomic impacts of cowpea root architecture. Theor Appl Genet. Full record


Burridge J, CN Jochua, A Bucksch, JP Lynch. 2016. Legume shovelomics: high - throughput phenotyping of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata subsp, unguiculata) root architecture in the field. Field Crops Research. Full record

Dathe A, JA Postma, M Postma-Blaauw, JP Lynch. 2016. Impact of axial root angles on nitrogen acquisition in maize depends on environmental conditions. Annals of Botany. Full record

Fernando DR, SJ Moroni, BJ Scott, MK Conyers, JP Lynch, AT Marshall. 2016. Temperature and light drive manganese accumulation and stress in crops across three major plant families. Environmental and Experimental Botany. Full record

Fernando, DR, AT Marshall, JP Lynch. 2016. Foliar nutrient distribution patterns in sympatric Maple species reflect contrasting sensitivity to excess manganese. PLOS One. Full record

Gao, YZ, JP Lynch. 2016. Low crown root number improves water acquisition under water deficit stress in maize (Zea mays L.). Journal of Experimental Botany. Full record

Vejchasarn P, JP Lynch, KM Brown. 2016. Genetic variability in phosphorus responses on rice root phenotypes. Rice. Full record

Zhu XG, JP Lynch, DS LeBauer, AJ Millar, M Stitt, SP Long. 2016. Plants in silico: why, why now and what? - an integrative platform for plant systems research. Plant, Cell & Environment. Full record

York, LM, M Silberbush, JP Lynch. 2016. Spatiotemporal variation of nitrate uptake kinetics within the maize (Zea mays) root system is associated with greater nitrate uptake and interactions with root system architectural phenes. J. of Exp. Botany. Full record


Udvardi, M, EL Brodie, W Riley, S Kaeppler, J Lynch. Impacts of Agricultural Nitrogen on the Environment and Strategies to Reduce these Impacts. Procedia Environmental Sciences. Full record

Das, A, H Schneider, J Burridge, A Martinez-Ascanio, T Wojciechowski, CN Topp, JP Lynch, JS Weitz, A Bucksch. Digital Imaging of Root Traits (DIRT): a high-throughput computing and collaboration platform for field-based plant phenomics. Plant Methods. Full record

Fernando D, JP Lynch. Mn phytotoxicity: new light on an old problem. Annals of Botany. Full record

Lynch JP. 2015. Root phenes that reduce the metabolic costs of soil exploration: opportunities for 21st century agriculture. Plant, Cell & Environment. Full record

Bishopp A, JP Lynch. 2015. The hidden half of crop yields. Nature Plants. Full record

Zhan A, Schneider H, JP Lynch. Reduced lateral root branching density improves drought tolerance in maize. Plant Physiology.Full record

York LM, JP Lynch. 2015. Intensive field phenotyping of maize (Zea mays L.) root crowns identifies phenes and phene integration associated with plant growth and nitrogen acquisition. J Exp. Botany. Full record

Chimungu JG, KW Loades, JP Lynch. 2015 Root anatomical phenes predict root penetration ability and biomechanical properties in maize, J Exp. Botany. Full record

Colombi T, Kirchgessner N, Le Marié C, York LM, Lynch JP, Hund A. 2015. Next generation shovelomics: set up a tent and REST. Plant and Soil. Full record

Miguel MA, JA Postma, JP Lynch. 2015. Phene synergism between root hairs and basal root growth angle for phosphorus acquisition in common bean. Plant Physiology. Full record

York LM, T Galindo Castañeda, JR Schussler, JP Lynch. 2015. Evolution of maize (Zea mays L.) root architectural and anatomical phenes over the past 100 years corresponds to increased tolerance of nitrogen stress. JXB. Full record

Nord EA, RE Jaramillo, JP Lynch. 2015. Edaphic control of plant response to elevated CO2 in Festuca arundinaceae. Frontiers in Plant Ecology. Full record

Zhan A, JP Lynch. 2015. Reduced frequency of lateral root branching improves N capture from low N soils in maize. JXB. Full record

Lynch JP, T Wojciechowski. 2015. Opportunities and challenges in the subsoil: pathways to deeper rooted crops, J Experimental Botany. Full record

Burton A, Johnson J, Foerster J, Hanlon MT, Kaeppler SM, Lynch JP, Brown KM. 2015. QTL mapping and phenotypic variation of root anatomical traits in maize (Zea mays L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics. Full record

Chimungu JG, Maliro MFA, Nalivata PC, Kanyama-Phiri G, Brown KM, Lynch JP. 2015. Utility of root cortical aerenchyma under water limited conditions in tropical maize (Zea mays L.). Field Crops Research. Full record


Gonçalves SL, Lynch JP. Raízes de plantas anuais: tolerância a estresses ambientais, eficiência na absorção de nutrientes e métodos para seleção de genótipos. Londrina: Embrapa Soja, 2014. 67 p. il., color. (Embrapa Soja. Documentos, 357). Full record
Chimungu JG, Brown KM, Lynch JP. 2014. Reduced root cortical cell file number improves drought tolerance in maize. Plant Physiology. Full record

Chimungu, JC, Brown, KM, Lynch, JP. 2014. Large root cortical cell size improves drought tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.). Plant Physiology. Full record

Zhang C, JA Postma, LM York, JP Lynch. 2014. Root foraging elicits niche complementarity-dependent yield advantage in the ancient "three sisters" (maize/bean/squash) polyculture. Annals of Botany. Full record

Bucksch A, J Burridge, LM York, A Das, E Nord, JS Weitz, JP Lynch. 2014. Image-based high-throughput field phenotyping of crop roots. Plant Physiology. Full record

Burton AL, JM Johnson, JM Foerster, CN Hirsch, CR Buell, SM Kaeppler, KM Brown, JP Lynch. 2014. QTL mapping and phenotypic variation for root architectural traits in maize (Zea mays L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics. Full record

Joseph G. Chimungu, Jonathan P. Lynch. 2014. Root Phenes for Improving Nitrogen Acquisition Efficiency. In: Plant Biotechnology: Experience and future prospects, A Ricroch, S Chjopra, SJ Fleischer, eds. Springer. Full record

Fenta B, SE Beebe, K Kunert, J Burridge, K Barlow, JP Lynch, C Foyer. 2014. Field phenotyping of soybean roots for drought stress tolerance. Agronomy. Full record

Saengwilai P, EA Nord, JG Chimungu, KM Brown, JP Lynch. 2014. Root cortical aerenchyma enhances nitrogen acquisition from low nitrogen soils in maize (Zea mays L.) Plant Physiology. Full record

Postma JA, A Dathe, JP Lynch. 2014. The optimal lateral root branching density for maize depends on nitrogen and phosphorus availability. Plant Physiology. Full record

Lynch JP, J Chimungu, K Brown. 2014. Root anatomical phenes associated with water acquisition from drying soil: targets for crop improvement. J. Exp. Botany. Full record

Saengwilai P, X Tian, JP Lynch. 2014. Low crown root number enhances nitrogen acquisition from low nitrogen soils in maize (Zea mays L.). Plant Physiology. Full record

Hu B, A Henry, KM Brown, JP Lynch. 2014. Root cortical aerenchyma inhibits radial nutrient transport in maize (Zea mays L.). Annals of Botany. Full record


Dathe A, Postma JA, Lynch JP. 2013. Modeling resource interactions under multiple edaphic stresses. In D Timlin, LR Ahuja, eds, Enhancing Underst. Quantif. Soil-Root Growth Interact. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, 5585 Guilford Rd., Madison, WI 53711-5801, USA, pp 273-294 Full record

York LM, EA Nord, JP Lynch. 2013. Integration of root phenes for soil resource acquisition. Frontiers in Plant Science. Full record

Miguel MA, A Widrig, R Vieira, KM Brown, JP Lynch. 2013. Basal root whorl number: a modulator of phosphorus acquisition in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Annals of Botany. Full record

Burton AL, JP Lynch, KM Brown. 2013. Spatial distribution and phenotypic variation in root cortical aerenchyma of maize (Zea mays L.). Plant and Soil. Full record

Jaramillo RE, EA Nord, JG Chimungu, KM Brown, JP Lynch. 2013. Root cortical burden influences drought tolerance in maize. Annals of Botany. Full record

Lynch JP. 2013. Steep, cheap, and deep: an ideotype to optimize water and N acquisition by maize root systems. Annals of Botany. Full record

Trachsel S, SM Kaeppler, KM Brown, JP Lynch. 2013. Maize root growth angles become steeper under low N conditions. Field Crops Research. Full record

Burton AL, KM Brown, JP Lynch. 2013. Phenotypic diversity of root anatomical and architectural traits in Zea species. Crop Science. Full record

Henry A, L. Mabit, R. E. Jaramillo, Y. Cartagena and J. P. Lynch. 2013. Land use effects on erosion and carbon storage of the Río Chimbo watershed, Ecuador. Plant and Soil. Full record


Burton AL, Williams M, Lynch JP, Brown KM. 2012. RootScan: Software for high-throughput analysis of root anatomical traits. Plant and Soil. Full record

Postma, JA and JP Lynch. 2012. Complementarity in root architecture for nutrient uptake in ancient maize/bean and maize/bean/squash polycultures. Annals of Botany. Full record

Lynch J, Brown K. 2012. New roots for agriculture - exploiting the root phenome. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Full record

Henry A, Chopra S, Clark D, Lynch J. 2012. Responses to low phosphorus in high- and low-anthocyanin coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides) and maize (Zea mays). Functional Plant Biology. Full record


Nord EA, Zhang CC, Lynch JP. 2011. Root responses to neighboring plants in common bean are mediated by local nutrient depletion rather than self/non-self recognition. Functional Plant Biology. Full record

Nord EA, Shea K, Lynch JP. 2011. Optimizing reproductive phenology in a two-resource world: a dynamic allocation model of plant growth predicts later reproduction in phosphorus-limited plants. Annals of Botany. 108(2): 391-404. Full record

Chen Y, Dunbabin V, Postma J, Diggle A, Lynch JP, Siddique K, Rengel Z. 2011. Phenotypic variation and modelling of root structure of wild Lupinus angustifolius genotypes. Plant and Soil 348: 345-364. Full record

Postma JA, Lynch JP. 2011. Theoretical evidence for the functional benefit of root cortical aerenchyma in soils with low phosphorus availability. Annals of Botany 107(5): 829-841. Full record

Lynch JP. 2011. Root phenes for enhanced soil exploration and phosphorus acquisition: tools for future crops. Plant Physiology. 156(3):1041-1049. Full record

Postma JA, Lynch JP. 2011. Root Cortical Aerenchyma Enhances the Growth of Maize on Soils with Suboptimal Availability of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Plant Physiology. 156(3):1190-1201. Full record

De Smet I, White P, Bengough AG, Dupuy L, Parizot B, Casimiro I, Heidstra R, Laskowski M, Lepetit M, Hochholdinger F, Draye X, Zhang H, Broadley M, Peret B, Hammond J, Fukaki H, Mooney S, Lynch J, Malamy J, Nacry P, Schurr U, Laplaze L, Benfey P. 2011. Commentary: Analyzing Lateral Root Development: How to Move Forward. The Plant Cell. (23):1-6. Commentary: Analyzing Lateral Root Development: How to Move Forward Full record

Bayuelo-Jiménez JS, Gallardo-Valdéz M, Pérez-Decelis VA, Magdaleno-Armas L, Ochoa I, Lynch JP. 2011. Genotypic variation for root traits of maize (Zea mays L.) from the Purhepecha Plateau under contrasting phosphorus availability. Field Crops Research. 121(3):350-362. Full record

Richardson AE, Lynch JP, Ryan PR, Delhaize E, Smith FA, Smith SE, Harvey PR, Ryan MH, Veneklaas EJ, Lambers H, Oberson A, Culvenor RA, Simpson RJ. 2011. Plant and microbial strategies to improve the phosphorus efficiency of agriculture. Plant and Soil, Volume 349(1-2): 121-156. Full record

Trachsel S, Kaeppler SM, Brown KM, Lynch JP. 2011. Shovelomics: high throughput phenotyping of maize (Zea mays L.) root architecture in the field. Plant and Soil. 341:75-87. Full record

Blair M, Fernandez A, Pedraza F, Muñoz-Torres M, Kapu NS, Brown K, Lynch J. 2011. Parallel sequencing of ESTs from two cDNA libraries for high and low phosphorus adaptation in common beans. The Plant Genome. (3):1-14. Full record (including download options

Simpson R, Oberson A, Culvenor R, Ryan M, Veneklaas E, Lambers H, Lynch J, Ryan P, Delhaize E, Smith F, Smith S, Harvey P, Richardson A. 2011. Strategies and agronomic interventions to improve the phosphorus-use efficiency of farming systems. Plant and Soil. (349):89-120. Full record (including download options)


StClair SB, Lynch JP. 2010. The opening of Pandora's Box: climate change impacts on soil fertility and crop nutrition in developing countries. Plant and Soil. 335:101-115. Full record

Zhu J, Brown K, Lynch J. 2010. Root cortical aerenchyma improves the drought tolerance of maize (Zea mays L.). Plant, Cell & Environment. 33(5):740-749. Full record

Henry A, Rosas JC, Beaver JS, Lynch JP. 2010. Multiple stress response and belowground competition in multilines of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Field Crops Research. 117(2-3):209-218. Full record

Cook JC, Gallagher RS, Kaye JP, Lynch J, Bradley B. 2010. Optimizing vetch nitrogen production and corn nitrogen accumulation under no-till management. Agronomy Journal. 102:1491-1499. Full record

Zhu J, Zhang C, Lynch J. 2010. The utility of phenotypic plasticity for root hair length for phosphorus acquisition. Functional Plant Biology. 37(4):313-322. Full record

Henry A, Chaves NF, Kleinman P, Lynch JP. 2010. Will nutrient-efficient genotypes mine the soil? Effects of genetic differences in root architecture in common bean Phaseolus vulgaris L. on soil phosphorus depletion in a low-input agro-ecosystem in Central America. Field Crops Research. 115:67-78. Full record

Postma, JA, JP Lynch. 2010. Theoretical evidence for the functional benefit of root cortical aerenchyma in soils with low phosphorus availability. Annals of Botany 107: 829-841. Full record


Henry A, Kleinman P, Lynch J. 2009. Phosphorus runoff from a phosphorus deficient soil under common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.) genotypes with contrasting root architecture. Plant and Soil. 317:1-16. Full record

Nord EA, Lynch JP. 2009. Plant phenology: a critical controller of soil resource acquisition. J. Exp. Bot. :erp018. Full record


Kim H, Lynch J, Brown K. 2008. Ethylene insensitivity impedes a subset of responses to phosphorus deficiency in tomato and petunia. Plant Cell Environ. 31:1744-55. Full record

Nord EA, Lynch JP. 2008. Delayed Reproduction in Arabidopsis Thaliana Improves Fitness in Soils with Suboptimal Phosphorus Availability. Plant, Cell, and Environment. 31:1432-1441. Full record

St Clair SB, Sharpe W, Lynch JP. 2008. Key interactions between nutrient limitation and climatic factors in temperate forests: a synthesis of the sugar maple literature. Can J Forest Research. 38:401-414. Full record

Henry A, Kleinman P, Lynch JP. 2008. Phosphorus runoff from a phosphorus deficient soil under common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.) genotypes with contrasting root architecture. Plant and Soil. Full record

Lynch JP, Brown KM. 2008. Root strategies for phosphorus acquisition. The ecophysiology of plant-phosphorus interactions. Full record

Vieira RF, Carneiro JES, Lynch JP. 2008. Root traits of common bean genotypes used in breeding programs for disease resistance. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira. 43(6):707-712. pdf | link

Lyons EM, Snyder RH, Lynch JP. 2008. Regulation of Root Distribution and Depth by Phosphorus Localization in Agrostis stolonifera. HortScience. 43:2203--2209. Full record

Postma JA, Jaramillo RE, Lynch JP. 2008. Towards Modeling the Function of Root Traits for Enhancing Water Acquisition by Crops. Response of Crops to Limited Water: Understanding and Modeling Water Stress Effects on Plant Growth Processes. :251. Full record


Basu P, Pal A, Lynch JP, Brown KM. 2007. A Novel Image Analysis Technique for Kinematic Study of Growth and Curvature. Plant Physiol. 145:305-316. Full record

Rubio G, Lynch JP. 2007. Compensation among root classes in Phaseolus vulgaris L. Plant and Soil. 290(1/2):307-321. Full record

Vieira RF, Jochua CN, Lynch JP. 2007. Method for evaluation of root hairs of common bean genotypes. Pesq. agropec. bras., Brasília. 42(9):1365-1368. pdf | Openurl resolver | link

Lynch JP. 2007. Not necessarily the first. Letter to the editor, Science, 317:319. Openurl resolver

Lynch JP. 2007. Roots of the second green revolution. Turner Review, Australian Journal of Botany. 55:493-512. full record

Lynch JP. 2007. Rhizoeconomics: The Roots of Shoot Growth Limitations. 1107 Hortscience. 42(5):1107-1109. pdf

Basu P, Zhang YJ, Lynch JP, Brown KM. 2007. Ethylene modulates genetic, positional, and nutritional regulation of root plagiogravitropism. Functional Plant Biology. 34(1):41-51. Full record

Kim H, Craig R, Brown KM. 2007. Ethylene resistance of Regal Pelargonium is complemented but not replaced by 1-MCP. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 45(1):66-72. Full record


Kim HJ, Craig R, Brown KM. 2006. Genetic variation in ethylene responsiveness of regal pelargonium. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 131(1):122-126. Full record

Walk TC, Jaramillo R, Lynch JP. 2006. Architectural tradeoffs between adventitious and basal roots for phosphorus acquisition. Plant and Soil. 279(1/2):347-366. Full record

Zhu JM, Mickelson SM, Kaeppler SM, Lynch JP. 2006. Detection of quantitative trait loci for seminal root traits in maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings grown under differential phosphorus levels. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 113(1):1-10. Full record

Ochoa IE, Blair MW, Lynch JP. 2006. QTL analysis of adventitious root formation in common bean under contrasting phosphorus availability. Crop Science. 46(4):1609-1621. Full record

Beebe SE, Rojas-Pierce M, Yan X, Blair MW, Pedraza F, Muñoz F, Tohme J, Lynch JP. 2006. Quantitative trait loci for root architecture traits correlated with phosphorus acquisition in common bean. Crop Science. 46(1):413-423. Full record

Tanaka M, Snyder R, Boateng JK, Lamont WJ, Orzolek MD, Brown KM, Lynch JP. 2006. Utility of alumina-buffered phosphorus fertilizer for vegetable production. HortScience. 41(3):775-779. pdf

Lynch JP. 2006. Book Review: Plant Roots: their Growth, Activity, and Interaction with Soils, by Peter Gregory. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 71(253) Openurl resolver

Lynch JP, Jaramillo RE. 2006. Book review- Soil Fertility Decline in the Tropics, with Case studies on Plantations. Field Crops Research. 96:481-483. Full record

Lynch J, Brown K. 2006. Whole plant adaptations to low phosphorus availability. Plant-Environment Interactions. :209-242. Openurl resolver


He ZX, Ma Z, Brown KM, Lynch JP. 2005. Assessment of inequality of root hair density in Arabidopsis thaliana using the Gini coefficient: a close look at the effect of phosphorus and its interaction with ethylene. Annals of Botany. 95(2):287-293. Full record

St Clair SB, Lynch JP. 2005. Base cation stimulation of mycorrhization and photosynthesis of sugar maple on acid soils are coupled by foliar nutrient dynamics. New Phytologist. 165(2):581-590. Full record

St Clair SB, Lynch JP. 2005. Differences in the success of sugar maple and red maple seedlings on acid soils are influenced by nutrient dynamics and light environment. Plant, Cell and Environment. 28(7):874-885. Full record

St Clair SB, Carlson JE, Lynch JP. 2005. Evidence for oxidative stress in sugar maple stands growing on acidic, nutrient imbalanced forest soils. Oecologia. 145(2):258-269. Full record

St Clair SB, Lynch JP. 2005. Element accumulation patterns of deciduous and evergreen tree seedlings on acid soils: implications for sensitivity to manganese toxicity.. Tree Physiology. 25(1):85-92. Full record

Zhu JM, Kaeppler SM, Lynch JP. 2005. Mapping of QTLs for lateral root branching and length in maize (Zea mays L.) under differential phosphorus supply. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 111(4):688-695. Full record

Zhu JM, Kaeppler SM, Lynch JP. 2005. Mapping of QTL controlling root hair length in maize (Zea mays L.) under phosphorus deficiency. Plant and Soil. 270(1/2):299-310. Full record

Ho MD, Rosas JC, Brown KM, Lynch JP. 2005. Root architectural tradeoffs for water and phosphorus acquisition. Functional Plant Biology. 32(8):737-748. pdf

Lynch JP, Ho MD. 2005. Rhizoeconomics: carbon costs of phosphorus acquisition.. Plant and Soil. 269(1/2):45-56. Full record

Zhu JM, Kaeppler SM, Lynch JP. 2005. Topsoil foraging and phosphorus acquisition efficiency in maize (Zea mays). Functional Plant Biology. 32(8):749-762. pdf

Riseman A, Craig R, Lynch JP. 2005. Zinc uptake and shoot partitioning between zinc efficient and inefficient exacum genotypes. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 130(5):674-679. pdf |email

Lynch JP. 2005. Root architecture and nutrient acquisition.. Nutrient acquisition by plants: an ecological perspective. :147-183. Openurl revolver

Kim H, Craig R, Brown K. 2005. Genetically enhanced postproduction quality of Regal Pelargonium. Acta Hortic. 669:135-141. Openurl revolver


Liao H, Yan X, Rubio G, Beebe SE, Blair MW, Lynch JP. 2004. Genetic mapping of basal root gravitropism and phosphorus acquisition efficiency in common bean. Functional Plant Biology. 31(10):959-970. pdf

Walk TC, Erp Ev, Lynch JP. 2004. Modelling applicability of fractal analysis to efficiency of soil exploration by roots. Annals of Botany. 94(1):119-128. Full record

Lynch JP, St Clair SB. 2004. Mineral stress: the missing link in understanding how global climate change will affect plants in real world soils. Field Crops Research. 90(1):101-115. Full record

Tomscha JL, Trull MC, Deikman J, Lynch JP, Guiltinan MJ. 2004. Phosphatase under-producer mutants have altered phosphorus relations. Plant Physiology. 135(1):334-345. pdf | email

St Clair SB, Lynch JP. 2004. Photosynthetic and antioxidant enzyme responses of sugar maple and red maple seedlings to excess manganese in contrasting light environments. Functional Plant Biology. 31(10):1005-1014. pdf

Yan X, Liao H, Beebe SE, Blair MW, Lynch JP. 2004. QTL mapping of root hair and acid exudation traits and their relationship to phosphorus uptake in common bean. Plant and Soil. 265(1/2):17-29. Full record

Rubio G, Sorgonà A, Lynch JP. 2004. Spatial mapping of phosphorus influx in bean root systems using digital autoradiography. Journal of Experimental Botany. 55(406):2269-2280. pdf

Zhu JM, Lynch JP. 2004. The contribution of lateral rooting to phosphorus acquisition efficiency in maize (Zea mays) seedlings. Functional Plant Biology. 31(10):949-958. pdf

Ho MD, McCannon BC, Lynch JP. 2004. Optimization modeling of plant root architecture for water and phosphorus acquisition. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 226(3):331-340. Full record


Zhang YJ, Lynch JP, Brown KM. 2003. Ethylene and phosphorus availability have interacting yet distinct effects on root hair development. Journal of Experimental Botany. 54(391):2351-2361. Full record

Ma Z, Baskin T I, Brown KM, Lynch JP. 2003. Regulation of root elongation under phosphorus stress involves changes in ethylene responsiveness. Plant Physiol. 131(3):1381-90. Full record

Borch K, Miller C, Brown KM, Lynch JP. 2003. Improved drought tolerance in marigold by manipulation of root growth with buffered-phosphorus nutrition. Hortscience. 38(2):212-216. Full record

Rubio G, Zhu JM, Lynch JP. 2003. A critical test of the two prevailing theories of plant response to nutrient availability.. American Journal of Botany. 90(1):143-152. Full record

Halperin SJ, Lynch JP. 2003. Effects of salinity on cytosolic Na+ and K+ in root hairs of Arabidopsis thaliana: in vivo measurements using the fluorescent dyes SBFI and PBFI. Journal of Experimental Botany. 54(390):2035-2043. Full record (including download options)
Miller CR, Ochoa I, Nielsen KL, Beck D, Lynch JP. 2003. Genetic variation for adventitious rooting in response to low phosphorus availability: potential utility for phosphorus acquisition from stratified soils. Functional Plant Biology. 30(9):973-985. pdf

Bayuelo-Jiménez JS, Debouck DG, Lynch JP. 2003. Growth, gas exchange, water relations, and ion composition of Phaseolus species grown under saline conditions. Field Crops Research. 80(3):207-222. Full record

Halperin SJ, Gilroy S, Lynch JP. 2003. Sodium chloride reduces growth and cytosolic calcium, but does not affect cytosolic pH, in root hairs of Arabidopsis thaliana L. Journal of Experimental Botany. 54(385):1269-1280. Full record

Rubio G, Hong L, Yan X, Lynch JP. 2003. Topsoil foraging and its role in plant competitiveness for phosphorus in common bean. Crop Science. 43(2):598-607. Full record

Brown KM, Zhang YJ, Kim HJ, Lynch JP. 2003. The ethylene underground. Acta Horticulturae. (No.618):193-198. Full record

Fan MS, Zhu JM, Richards C, Brown KM, Lynch JP. 2003. Physiological roles for aerenchyma in phosphorus-stressed roots. Functional Plant Biology. 30(5):493-506. Full record


Zhang YJ, Kuhns L, Lynch JP, Brown KM. 2002. Buffered phosphorus fertilizer improves growth and drought tolerance of woody landscape plants. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. 20(4):214-219. Full record

Hong L, Rubio G, Yan X, AiQin C, Brown KM, Lynch JP. 2002. Effect of phosphorus availability on basal root shallowness in common bean. Interactions in the root environment: an integrated approach. Proceedings of the Millennium Conference on Rhizosphere Interactions, IACR-Rothamsted, UK, 10-12 April 2001. :69-79. Full record

Fisher MCT, Eissenstat DM, Lynch JP. 2002. Lack of evidence for programmed root senescence in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) grown at different levels of phosphorus supply. New Phytologist. 153(1):63-71. Full record

Bielenberg DG, Lynch JP, Pell EJ. 2002. Nitrogen dynamics during O3-induced accelerated senescence in hybrid poplar. Plant, Cell and Environment. 25(4):501-512. Full record

Bayuelo-Jiménez JS, Debouck DG, Lynch JP. 2002. Salinity tolerance in Phaseolus species during early vegetative growth. Crop Science. 42(6):2184-2192. Full record

Brown KM, Vavrina CS, Snyder R, Orzolek M, Lynch JP. 2002. Production of high-quality tomato transplants with a novel buffered fertilizer. HortTechnology. 12(4):662-669. Full record


Lynch JP, Brown KM. 2001. Topsoil foraging - an architectural adaptation of plants to low phosphorus availability. Plant and Soil. 237(2):225-237. Full record

Bielenberg DG, Lynch JP, Pell EJ. 2001. A decline in nitrogen availability affects plant responses to ozone. New Phytologist. 151(2):413-425. Full record

Liao H, Zhuang Y, Yan X, Brown KM, Lynch JP. 2001. Ethylene regulates common bean root growth in adaptation to P deficiency. Plant nutrition: food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems through basic and applied research. Fourteenth International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, Hannover, Germany. :550-551. Full record

Liao H, Rubio G, Yan X, AiQin C, Brown KM, Lynch JP. 2001. Effect of phosphorus availability on basal root shallowness in common bean. Plant and Soil. 232(1/2):69-79. Full record

Yan X, Hong L, Trull MC, Beebe SE, Lynch JP. 2001. Induction of a major leaf acid phosphatase does not confer adaptation to low phosphorus availability in common bean. Plant Physiology. 125(4):1901-1911. Full record

Ma Z, Walk TC, Marcus A, Lynch JP. 2001. Morphological synergism in root hair length, density, initiation and geometry for phosphorus acquisition in Arabidopsis thaliana: a modeling approach.. Plant and Soil. 236(2):221-235. Full record

Bates TR, Lynch JP. 2001. Root hairs confer a competitive advantage under low phosphorus availability. Plant and Soil. 236(2):243-250. Full record

Rubio G, Walk T, Zhenyang G, Yan X, Hong L, Lynch JP. 2001. Root gravitropism and below-ground competition among neighbouring plants: a modelling approach. Annals of Botany. 88(5):929-940. Full record

Nielsen KL, Eshel A, Lynch JP. 2001. The effect of phosphorus availability on the carbon economy of contrasting common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes. Journal of Experimental Botany. 52(355):329-339. Full record

Ma Z, Bielenberg DG, Brown KM, Lynch JP. 2001. Regulation of root hair density by phosphorus availability in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell and Environment. 24(4):459-467. Full record


Ellers-Kirk CD, Fleischer SJ, Snyder RH, Lynch JP. 2000. Potential of entomopathogenic nematodes for biological control of Acalymma vittatum (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in cucumbers grown in conventional and organic soil management systems. Journal of Economic Entomology. 93(3):605-612. Full record

Bates TR, Lynch JP. 2000. Plant growth and phosphorus accumulation of wild type and two root hair mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany. 87(7):958-963. Full record

Bates TR, Lynch JP. 2000. The efficiency of Arabidopsis thaliana (Brassicaceae) root hairs in phosphorus acquisition. American Journal of Botany. 87(7):964-970. Full record

ZhenYang G, Rubio G, Lynch JP. 2000. The importance of root gravitropism for inter-root competition and phosphorus acquisition efficiency: results from a geometric simulation model. Plant and Soil. 218(1/2):159-171. Full record

Krupnick GA, Avila G, Brown KM, Stephenson AG. 2000. Effects of herbivory on internal ethylene production and sex expression in Cucurbita texana. Functional Ecology. 14(2):215-225. Full record

Hilioti Z, Richards C, Brown KM. 2000. Regulation of pollination-induced ethylene and its role in petal abscission of Pelargonium x hortorum. Physiologia Plantarum. 109(3):322-332. Full record


Brown KM, Miller CR, Kuhns L, Beattie DJ, Lynch JP. 1999. Improvement of rhododendron and forsythia growth with buffered-phosphorus fertilizer. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. 17(4):153-157. Full Record

Moorman GW, Snyder R. 1999. Effects of a slow release phosphorus fertilizer on gray mold of geranium. Biological & Cultural Control Tests. 14(56) openurl resolver

Lynch J, J Deikman. 1999. Phosphorus in Plant Biology: Regulatory Roles in Molecular, Cellular, Organismic, and Ecosystem Processes. American Society of Plant Physiologists. openurl resolver

Gonzalez A, Lynch J. 1999. Subcellular and tissue Mn compartmentation in bean leaves under Mn toxicity stress. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology. 26(8):811-822. Full record

González A, Lynch JP. 1999. Subcellular and tissue Mn compartmentation in bean leaves under Mn toxicity stress. Functional Plant Biol. 26:811--822. Full record

Gonzalez A, Lynch J. 1999. Tolerance of tropical common bean genotypes to manganese toxicity: Performance under different growing conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 22(3):511-525. Full record

Hilioti Z, Lind-Iversen S, Richards C, Brown K. 1999. Cellulase gene expression in ethylene-treated geranium flowers. Biology and Biotechnology of the Plant Hormone Ethylene II. openurl resolver

Clark DG, Richards C, Brown KM. 1999. Characterization of circadian-regulated mRNAs encoding glycine-rich RNA-binding proteins in Pelargonium x hortorum. Physiologia Plantarum. 106(4):409-414. Full record

Borch K, Bouma TJ, Lynch JP, Brown KM. 1999. Ethylene: a regulator of root architectural responses to soil phosphorus availability. Plant Cell & Environment. 22(4):425-431. Full record

Zhang Y, Lynch J, Brown K. 1999. Ethylene mediates basal root gravitropism response to phosphorus deficiency. Plant Physiol. 1999 annua:#344. openurl resolver

Krupnick GA, Brown KM, Stephenson AG. 1999. The influence of fruit on the regulation of internal ethylene concentrations and sex expression in Cucurbita texana. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 160(2):321-330. Full record


Nielsen KL, Miller CR, Beck D, Lynch JP. 1998. Fractal geometry of root systems: field observations of contrasting genotypes of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown under different phosphorus regimes. Plant and Soil. 206(2):181-190. Full record

Borch K, Brown KM, Lynch JP. 1998. Improving bedding plant quality and stress resistance with low phosphorus. HortTechnology. 8(4):575-579. Full record

Gonzalez A, Steffen KL, Lynch JP. 1998. Light and excess manganese. Implications for oxidative stress in common bean. Plant Physiology. 118(2):493-504. Full record

Nielsen K, Bouma T, Lynch J, Eissenstat D. 1998. Effects of phosphorus availability and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas on the carbon budget of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). New Physiologist. 139(4):647-656. Full record

Berntson G, Lynch J, Snapp S. 1998. Fractal Geometry and Plant Root Systems: Current Perspectives and Future Applications. Fractals in Soil Science. Full record (including download options)

Gonzalez A, Steffen K, Lynch J. 1998. Light and excess manganese - Implications for oxidative stress in common bean. Plant Physiology. 118(2):493-504. Full record

Lynch JP. 1998. Root Architecture and Phosphorus Acquisition Efficiency in Common Bean. Radical Biology: Advances and Perspectives on the Function of Plant Roots. American Society of Plant Physiologists. openurl resolver

Lynch J, Brown K. 1998. Regulation of root architecture by phosphorus availability. Phosphorus in Plant Biology: Regulatory Roles in Molecular, Cellular, Organismic, and Ecosystem Processes. American Society of Plant Physiologists:148-156. openurl resolver

Hansen C, Lynch J, Ottosen CO. 1998. Response to phosphorus availability during vegetative and reproductive growth of Chrysanthemum. I. Whole-Plant CO2 Exchange. Journal of American Society of Horticultural Science. 123:215-222. openurl resolver

Hansen C, Lynch J. 1998. Response to phosphorus availability during vegetative and reproductive growth of Chrysanthemum. II. Biomass and phosphorus dynamics. Journal of American Society of Horticultural Science. 123:223-229. openurl resolver

Lynch JP. 1998. The role of nutrient efficient crops in modern agriculture. Journal of Crop Production. 1:241-264. openurl resolver

Lynch J, Brown K. 1998. Root Architecture and Phosphorus Acquisition Efficiency in Common Bean. Phosphorus in Plant Biology: Regulatory Roles in Ecosystem, Organismic, Cellular, and Molecular Processes. ASPP, Rockville, MD:148-156. openurl resolver


Lynch JP, Nielsen KL, Davis RD, Jablokow AG. 1997. SimRoot: modelling and visualization of root systems. Plant and Soil. 188(1):139-151. Full record

Gonzalez A, Lynch JP. 1997. Effects of manganese toxicity on leaf CO2 assimilation of contrasting common bean genotypes. Physiologia Plantarum. 101(4):872-880. Full record

Bouma TJ, Nielsen KL, Eissenstat DM, Lynch JP. 1997. Estimating respiration of roots in soil: interactions with soil CO2, soil temperature and soil water content. Plant and Soil. 195(2):221-232. Full record

Nielsen KL, Lynch JP, Weiss HN. 1997. Fractal geometry of bean root systems: correlations between spatial and fractal dimension. American Journal of Botany. 84(1):26-33. Full record

Bouma TJ, Nielsen KL, Eissenstat DM, Lynch JP. 1997. Soil CO2 concentration does not affect growth or root respiration in bean or citrus. Plant, Cell and Environment. 20(12):1495-1505. Full record

Halperin SJ, Kochian LV, Lynch JP. 1997. Salinity stress inhibits calcium loading into the xylem of excised barley (Hordeum vulgare) roots. New Phytologist. 135(3):419-427. Full record

Beebe S, Lynch J, Galwey N, Tohme J, Ochoa I. 1997. A geographical approach to identify phosphorus-efficient genotypes among landraces and wild ancestors of common bean. Euphytica. 95(3):325-336. Full record

Clark DG, Richards C, Hilioti Z, LindIversen S, Brown K. 1997. Effect of pollination on accumulation of ACC synthase and ACC oxidase transcripts, ethylene production and flower petal abscission in geranium (Pelargonium x hortorum L.H. Bailey). Plant Mol. Biol. 34(6):855-865. Full record

Bielenberg D, Lynch J, Pell E. 1997. Interactions between O-3 and nitrogen: Implications for leaf longevity and internal resource reallocation. Plant Physiology. 114(3):426-426. Openurl Resolver

Trull M, Guiltinan M, Lynch J, Deikman J. 1997. The responses of wild-type and ABA mutant Arabidopsis thaliana plants to phosphorus starvation. Plant Cell and Environment. 20(1):85-92. Full record

Brown KM. 1997. Ethylene and abscission. Physiol. Plant. 100(3):567-576. Full record

Lynch J, Brown KM. 1997. Ethylene and plant responses to nutritional stress. Physiol Plant. 100(3):613-619. Full record

Borch K, Bouma T, Brown K, Lynch J. 1997. Interactions of ethylene and phosphorus nutrition in root growth. Radical Biology: Advances and Perspectives on the Function of Plant Roots. 18:391-393. Openurl Resolver


Lin YLP, Holcomb EJ, Lynch JP. 1996. Marigold growth and phosphorus leaching in a soilless medium amended with phosphorus-charged alumina. HortScience. 31(1):94-98. Full record

Snapp SS, Lynch JP. 1996. Phosphorus distribution and remobilization in bean plants as influenced by phosphorus nutrition. Crop Science. 36(4):929-935. Full record

Bates TR, Lynch JP. 1996. Stimulation of root hair elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana by low phosphorus availability. Plant, Cell and Environment. 19(5):529-538. Full record

Yan X, Lynch JP, Beebe SE. 1996. Utilization of phosphorus substrates by contrasting common bean genotypes. Crop Science. 36(4):936-941. Full record

Wortmann CS, Lunze L, Ochwoh VA, Lynch J. 1996. Bean improvement for low fertility soils in Africa. African Crop Science Journal. 4(2):469-476. Openurl Resolver

Bonser A, Lynch J, Snapp S. 1996. Effect of phosphorus deficiency on growth angle of basal roots in Phaseolus vulgaris. New Phytologist. 132(2):281-288. Full record

Halsted M, Lynch J. 1996. Phosphorus responses of C-3 and C-4 species. Journal of Experimental Biology. 47(297):497-505. Full record

Trull M, Guiltinan M, Lynch J, Deikman J. 1996. The response of wild type and ABA mutant Arabidopsis thaliana plants to phosphorus starvation. Plant, Cell and Environment. 20:85-92. Openurl Resolver

Hammer PE, Evensen KB. 1996. Effects of the production environment on the susceptibility of rose flowers to postharvest infection by Botrytis cinerea. J Amer Soc Hort Sci. 121(2):314-320. Full record


Lynch JP, Beebe SE. 1995. Adaptation of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to low phosphorus availability. HortScience. 30(6):1165-1171. Full record

Yan X, Beebe SE, Lynch JP. 1995. Genetic variation for phosphorus efficiency of common bean in contrasting soil types: II. Yield response. Crop Science. 35(4):1094-1099. Full record

Yan X, Lynch JP, Beebe SE. 1995. Genetic variation for phosphorus efficiency of common bean in contrasting soil types: I. Vegetative response. Crop Science. 35(4):1086-1093. Full record

Gonzalez A, Lynch J, Tohme J, Beebe S, Macchiavelli R. 1995. Characters related to photosynthesis in wild populations and landraces of common bean. Crop Science. 35(5):1468-1476. Full record

Snapp S, Koide R, Lynch J. 1995. Exploitation of localized phosphorus-patches by common bean roots. Plant and Soil. 177(2):211-218. Full record

Halperin S, Barzilay A, Carson M, Roberts C, Lynch J. 1995. Geranium accumulation and toxicity in Barley. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 18(7):1417-1426. Full record

Bates T, Nielsen K, Lynch J. 1995. Importance of root hairs in phosphorus acquisition. Plant Physiology. 108(2):148-148. Openurl Resolver

Lynch J. 1995. Root architecture and plant productivity. Plant Physiology. 109(1):7-13. Openurl Resolver

Bates T, Lynch J. 1995. Stimulation of root hair elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana by low-phosphorus availability. Plant Physiology. 108(2):148-148. Openurl Resolver

Halperin S, Gilroy S, Kochian L, Lynch J. 1995. Salt stress inhibits symplastic calcium-transport in excised barley (Hordeum vugare cv Arivat) roots. Plant Physiology. 108(2):106-106. Openurl Resolver

Elad Y, Evensen K. 1995. Physiological aspects of resistance to Botrytis cinerea. Phytopathology. 85(6):637-643. Openurl Resolver


Hammer PE, Evensen KB. 1994. Differences between Rose Cultivars in Susceptibility to Infection by Botrytis cinerea. Phytopathology. 84(11):1305-1312. Full record

Wullschleger SD, Lynch JP, Berntson GM. 1994. Modeling the belowground response of plants and soil biota to edaphic and climatic change - what can we expect to gain? Plant and Soil. 165(1):149-160. Full record

Nielsen K, Lynch J, Jablokow A, Curtis P. 1994. Carbon cost of root systems - an architectural approach. Plant and Soil. 165(1):161-169. Full record

Lynch J, Rodriguez N. 1994. Photosynthetic Nitrogen-use efficiency in relation to leaf longevity in common bean. Crop Science. 34(5):1284-1290. Full record

Clark DG, Lind-Iversen S, Richards C, Evensen K. 1994. Ethylene regulated gene expression in geranium flowers.. Pollen-Pistil Interactions and Pollen Tube Growth. 12:291-295. Openurl Resolver


Hammer PE, Evensen KB, Janisiewicz WJ. 1993. Postharvest Control of Botrytis cinerea on Cut Rose Flowers with Pyrrolnitrin. Plant Disease. 77(3):283-286. Full record

Goulart BL, Schroeder ML, Demchak K, Lynch JP, Clark JR, Darnell RL, Wilcox WF. 1993. Blueberry mycorrhizae: current knowledge and future directions. Acta Horticulturae. (No.346):230-239. Full record

Evensen KB, Page AM, Stead AD. 1993. Anatomy of ethylene-induced petal abscission in Pelargonium x hortorum. Ann Bot. 71(6):559-566. Openurl Resolver

Evensen KB, Clark DG, Singh A. 1993. Rapid ethylene-induced gene expression during petal abscission. Cellular and Molecular Aspects of the Plant Hormone Ethylene. :278-283. Openurl Resolver


Evensen KB, Olson KM. 1992. Forcing Temperature Affects Postproduction Quality, Dark Respiration Rate, and Ethylene Responsiveness of Pelargonium-Plus-Domesticum. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 117(4):596-599. Full record

Deneke CF, Glicenstein LJ, Evensen KB, Craig R. 1992. Heritable Differences in Postproduction Quality of Pelargonium X domesticum. HortScience. 27(1):55-57. Full record

Singh A, Evensen KB, Kao TH. 1992. Ethylene synthesis and floral senescence following compatible and incompatible pollinations in Petunia inflata. Plant Physiol. 99(1):38-45. Full record

Goulart BL, Hammer PE, Evensen KB, Janisiewicz W, Takeda F. 1992. Pyrrolnitrin, Captan - Benomyl, and High CO2 Enhance Raspberry Shelf Life at 0C or 18C. J Amer Soc Hort Sci. 117(2):265-270. Full record


Evensen KB. 1991. Ethylene Responsiveness Changes in Pelargonium X domesticum Florets. Physiologia Plantarum. 82(3):409-412. Full record

Evensen K. 1991. Ethylene responsiveness changes in Pelargonium X domesticum florets. Physiol. Plant. 82(3):409-412. See above


Deneke C, Evensen K, Craig R. 1990. Regulation of petal abscission in Pelargonium Xdomesticum.. HortScience. 25:937-940. Openurl Resolver

Olson KM, Evensen KB. 1990. The influence of irradiance on ethylene sensitivity and postproduction quality of Pelargonium x domesticum. Acta Hortic. 272:341-346. Openurl Resolver


Russo JM, Evensen KB, Braun HL. 1988. A Decision-Making Scheme for Potato Quality. American Potato Journal. 65(6):341-351. Openurl Resolver

Evensen KB, Russo JM, Braun H. 1988. Predicting Potato-Chip Quality and Yield. HortScience. 23(3):728-728. Openurl Resolver

Olson KM, Evensen KB. 1988. The Effects of Irradiance Level on Ethylene Sensitivity and Postproduction Quality of Pelargonium X Domesticum. HortScience. 23(3):729-729. Openurl Resolver


Beattie DJ, Evensen KB, White JW. 1987. Effect of Different Shade Levels on Flowering, Bud Abortion, and Vase Life of Hybrid Garden Lilies. HortScience. 22(5):1051-1051. Openurl Resolver

Olson KM, Evensen KB. 1987. Ethylene Sensitivity and Floret Longevity of Pelargonium X Domesticum. HortScience. 22(5):1040-1040. Openurl Resolver

Evensen KB, Beattie DJ. 1987. Quality and Longevity of Cut Hybrid Lilies. HortScience. 22(5):1055-1055. Openurl Resolver


Evensen KB, Boyer CD. 1986. Carbohydrate-Composition and Sensory Quality of Fresh and Stored Sweet Corn. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 111(5):734-738. Openurl Resolver

Gordon J, Evensen K, Holcomb EJ. 1986. Alcohol Pretreatment of Cut Poinsettias. HortScience. 21(5):1232-1233. Openurl Resolver

Russo JM, Evensen KB, Braun H. 1986. A Scheme for Potato Processing Decision-Making. American Potato Journal. 63(8):452-453. Openurl Resolver

Evensen K, Beattie D. 1986. Using the Balloon Flower as a Cut Flower. HortScience. 21(4):1061-1062. Openurl Resolver

Burns JK, Evensen KB. 1986. Ca2+ effects on ethylene, carbon dioxide and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase activity. Physiol. Plant. 66:609-615. Openurl Resolver

Heuser C, Evensen K. 1986. Cut flower longevity of peony. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.. 111:896-899. Openurl Resolver


Elliott GC, Lynch JP, Lauchli A. 1984. Influx and eflux of P in intact roots of maize plants. Plant Physiol.. 76:336-3. Openurl Resolver

Evensen KB. 1984. Calcium Effects on Ethylene and Ethane Production and 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylic Acid Content in Potato Disks. Physiologia Plantarum. 60(2):125-128. Openurl Resolver

Deneke CF, Evensen KB, Craig R. 1984. Postharvest Quality of Pelargonium X domesticum as Influenced by Production Environment, STS, and Ethylene. HortScience. 19(3):567-567. Openurl Resolver

Evensen K, Boyer C. 1984. Sensory Quality of Fresh Sweet Corn. HortScience. 19(3):552-552. Openurl Resolver

Murphy JB, Evensen KB. 1984. The Effect of Calcium on Ethylene Production of Pericarp Disks of Tomato Fruit at Different Ripening Stages. HortScience. 19(3):552-552. Openurl Resolver


Thomas PA, Holcomb EJ, Evensen KB. 1983. An Evaluation Method of Growth-Response for Poinsettias. HortScience. 18(4):605-605. Openurl Resolver

Evensen KB. 1983. Effects of Maturity at Harvest, Storage-Temperature, and Cultivar on Muskmelon Quality. HortScience. 18(6):907-908. Openurl Resolver


Evensen KB. 1982. Calcium Effects on Ethylene Production by Potato Disks. HortScience. 17(3):530-530. Openurl Resolver

Murphy JB, Evensen KB. 1982. Calcium Effects on Ethylene Production by Tomato Pericarp Disks. HortScience. 17(3):530-530. Openurl Resolver

Evensen KB, Bausher MG, Biggs RH. 1982. Temperature Effects on Uptake and Effectiveness of Glyoxal Dioxime in Hamlin Oranges. HortScience. 17(4):675-676. Openurl Resolver


Evensen KB, Blevins DG. 1981. Differences in Endogenous Levels of Gibberellin-Like Substances in Nodules of Phaseolus-Lunatus L. Plants Inoculated with 2 Rhizobium Strains. Plant Physiology. 68(1):195-198. Openurl Resolver

Evensen KB, Bausher MG, Biggs RH. 1981. Ethylene Production by Valencia Peel Explants Treated with Abscission-Accelerating Compounds. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 106(1):57-60. Openurl Resolver

Triplett EW, Heitholt JJ, Evensen KB, Blevins DG. 1981. Increase in Internode Length of Phaseolus-Lunatus L Caused by Inoculation with a Nitrate Reductase-Deficient Strain of Rhizobium Sp. Plant Physiology. 67(1):1-4. Openurl Resolver

Evensen KB, Bausher MG, Biggs RH. 1981. Wound-Induced Ethylene Production in Peel Explants of Valencia Orange Fruit. HortScience. 16(1):43-44. Openurl Resolver


Evensen KB, Bausher MG, Biggs RH. 1980. Rust Mite Damage Increases Uptake and Effectiveness of an Abscission-Accelerating Chemical on Valencia Oranges. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 105(2):167-170. Openurl Resolver


Loy JB, Evensen KB. 1979. Phytochrome Regulation of Seed-Germination in a Dwarf Strain of Watermelon. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 104(4):496-499. Openurl Resolver


Evensen KB, Biggs RH, Bausher MG. 1978. Ethylene Production by Citrus Peel Tissue. HortScience. 13(3):357-357. Openurl Resolver

Evensen KB, Evensen B, Loy JB. 1978. Effects of Gibberellic-Acid and Gold Light on Germination, Enzyme-Activities, and Amino-Acid Pool Size in a Dwarf Strain of Watermelon. Plant Physiology. 62(1):6-9. Openurl Resolver


Kim H, Lynch J, Brown K. 0. Ethylene insensitivity and responses to phosphorus deficiency in tomato and petunia. Environment.
