Lynch, J.P.; Beebe, S.E.
HortScience, Volume 30, Issue 6, p.1165-1171 (1995)
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The focus of this review is on the recent approaches taken to understand the adaptation of P. vulgaris to low P availability. Genetic variation in bean yields in low-P tropical soils and the evolution of bean adaptation to low-P in diverse environments is discussed. The progress and problems in breeding P-efficient beans are highlighted and the potential of molecular markers for selection of P efficiency is reviewed along with possible physiological mechanisms of P utilization efficiency (such as reduced tissue P requirement, phenology, seed P reserves, root exudates and mycorrhizal symbiosis). Plasticity as an important root trait in relation to P utilization efficiency i.e. the ability to sense and respond to localized or temporary changes in P availability is highlighted with the need for a multidisciplinary approach towards the development of P-efficient bean cultivars.