Evensen, K.B.; Olson, K.M.
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, Volume 117, Issue 4, p.596-599 (1992)
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Postproduction quality, net C exchange, and petal abscission in response to ethylene were compared following forcing at 21(day)/16C(night) or 18/13C(18-hour photoperiod) of two cultivars of Pelargonium x domesticum L.H. Bailey. Fewer petals of 2- to 6-day-old florets abscised in response to 60 minutes of 0.7-mu-l ethylene/liter on plants forced at low temperature than on plants forced at 3C higher temperature. Forcing temperature did not affect floret longevity or the number of florets opening during forcing, but the floral display under simulated consumer conditions was prolonged in low-temperature plants by the continued development of buds. Dark respiration rates at 21C were lower in leaves from plants forced at low temperature than in leaves of plants forced at the higher temperature. Differences in postproduction quality between plants forced at high and low temperatures may have been related to the reduced rate of carbohydrate depletion in low-temperature plants.