Pennsylvania Nutrient Management Education Program

Funded by the Pennsylvania State Conservation Commission (SCC), the Nutrient Management Program provides training for Act 38 nutrient management planners.  The program develops and supports the officially designated Nutrient Management planning tools required by Act 38, including concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) permits and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) nutrient management standards.  Teaching workshops are held regularly throughout the year for consultants wishing to become newly certified nutrient management planners.  Nutrient management program staff interact with farmers, planners, manure haulers, and brokers to ensure all farms and businesses follow state and federal policies.

Nutrient Management Program website

Agronomy Extension Team

Extension Specialists and graduate students develop and present content for winter meetings, summer field days, weekly newsletters, and biennial agronomy guide publications.  Ample public speaking opportunities exist to share research results with the Pennsylvania farming community, including Pennsylvania Certified Crop Advisors (CCAs), agricultural retailers, conservation district staff, and non-profit organizations.

Agronomic Crops website (Extension)


Charles White
  • Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management


Charles White
  • Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management