Mechanical aeration provides an excellent, and probably the only, means of correcting or alleviating soil compaction which may be quite serious on many lawn areas. Compaction occurs primarily in the surface area of the lawn. A compacted layer as thin as ¼ to ½ inch can greatly impede water infiltration, nutrient penetration, and gaseous exchange between the soil and the atmosphere. Compaction of this type in the surface layer of soil can be corrected or reduced by the use of suitable aerating equipment.
Summer annual grasses continue to be pervasive weed problems in many turfgrass areas throughout Pennsylvania.
The cause of turfgrass damage is often difficult to determine if considerable time has elapsed between damage and diagnosis. Damage is often blamed on disease or insects when there is no sound basis for such a diagnosis.
Successful management of home lawns depends on proper selection and management of turfgrasses. To obtain optimum performance from your lawn it is important to employ the appropriate management practices at the correct times of year.
Moss is one of the most persistent and annoying weeds that occurs in home lawns.
Grass cutting is the major time-consuming operation in the maintenance of any turfgrass area. Good mowing practices are perhaps the most important single factor contributing to a well-groomed appearance and the longevity of any turfgrass area.
by David Beyer, Mushroom Extension Specialist, Penn State
Collection and disposal of grass clippings from lawns is laborious, time consuming, and unnecessary. The best way to deal with clippings produced by mowing is to recycle them back to your lawn. If performed correctly, recycled grass clippings should not detract from the appearance of your lawn or accumulate on the soil surface.
Lawn renovation involves restoring a deteriorated turfgrass area to an improved condition. Depending on the condition of the turf, this process can be accomplished without establishing a new lawn.
To develop successful lawn management programs and avoid problems, you must be able to identify turfgrass species. Species react differently to management practices such as mowing, fertilization, and liming; thus, you should know which grasses are present in the lawn so that you can adjust your management program accordingly.
This fact sheet describes the general steps in turfgrass establishment.
A regular fertilization program is necessary to maintain good quality turfgrass. Dollar for dollar, fertilization does more to improve poor quality turfgrass or maintain good quality turfgrass than any other single management practice.
One of the most important steps in turfgrass establishment is the selection of high quality seed or a seed mixture that is adapted to the site conditions and intended use of the turf. Poor quality seed may be low in viability and contain weed seeds as well as undesirable grass species.