Named in memory of Joseph Valentine, golf course superintendent at Merion Golf Club, The Center serves as the principle facility for turfgrass field research.

The secondary turfgrass research facility is utilized for various low maintenance research projects. It also houses the turfgrass breeding nursery and the Mascara-Steiniger Turfgrass Museum.

It has been said that the sun doesn't set on a Penn State turfgrass. This long tradition of breeding some of the greatest turfgrass cultivars starts here at the breeding nursery.

Located near campus, Penn State's two golf courses serve as a living laboratory for our students and also various research projects.

Greenhouse facilities are conveniently located adjacent to the Agricultural Industries Building. These facilities are utilized for teaching and research activities.

State of the art teaching and research labs are located throughout the Agricultural Industries Building.

The museum, which is currently located at the Landscape Management Research Center off of Orchard Road in University Park, PA, houses turf equipment dating back to the early 1900s.