USEPA / 2013-16. This project focuses on the physical science, institutional action and community involvement needed to conserve and restore ecosystem services in agriculturally intense watersheds.
The CNS melds trans-disciplinary scientific discoveries and engagement activities that can enhance the decision making capacity of key agents (e.g., farmers, government planners, land and water managers, water quality agencies) to choose among nutrient management strategies, tactics, and actions that conserve and restore ecosystem services. Our team proposes a shared discovery approach to frame nutrient management and control in the Susquehanna-Chesapeake watershed within the mid-Atlantic region (MAR), with applicability elsewhere. The project focuses on four watersheds in MAR region - Spring Creek, Mahantango, Conewago, and Manokin River watersheds.
Dr. Armen Kemanian and Dr. Chris Duffy lead the "Harmonization of Data and Models" team. The goals of this team are: (1) to fuse the models PIHM (Penn State Integrated Hydrological Model) and Cycles to generate a modeling system that is spatially distributed and use national products as inputs or drivers (soils, geology, weather, land use), with up-to-date cyber infrastructure and modeling technologies, and (2) to produce a model inter-comparison as a way of quantifying the uncertainty of model predictions for environmentally-relevant variables.