NSF / 2014-17. Project Directors: Armen Kemanian and Laura Leites
Where: Sardinia, Italy
When: Summers of 2015, 2016, 2017
What: Cohorts of five outstanding undergraduate and graduate students join a team of scientists from Italy and USA to study the rich Mediterranean silvo-arable-pastoral ecosystems of Sardinia, Italy. These ecosystems are composed of a diverse array of vegetation types, land uses, and human settlements. Research focuses on the Berchidda Long Term Observatory in collaboration with scientists from the University of Sassari.
The overarching scientific theme is to understand the changes in carbon and nitrogen stocks in this Mediterranean mosaic landscape. Students work under the mentorship of a scientist from the University of Sassari. Upon their return, students prepare a report, poster, or publication to disseminate their findings. The goals is that through the project, students enrich their scientific research skills in an international setting.
Financial Support: Student travel, lodging and per diem are covered by the project. In addition, a stipend is provided for the duration of the summer research experience.
Application procedure and information here
This program is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF award #1358189).