Protocol for testing germination of various turfgrass species.
Protocol for testing germination of various turfgrass species.
Collect small bags of seed, making sure to obtain the information tag or take a picture.
Using Excel, create a database of seed cultivars and their tag information including name, species, lot number, percent pure seed, percent germination, test date, and producing company.
Create a labeling system so that each cultivar is designated by a letter. Label plates with the letter of the cultivar used and 1-3 to designate which replication is inside.
Wet a blotter paper with 5mL de-ionized water. Carefully sprinkle seed on it so the seed is slightly damp. This makes the seeds easier to place in the petri plate.
Place a blotter paper in the petri dish. Using a pipet, add 5 mL de-ionized water. Using forceps, place on seed in each dimple of the paper.
Carefully wrap a strip of parafilm around each plate.
Set incubator to desired temperature and light cycle.
Place sealed plates in incubator. Randomize plates and stack in equal heights.
Check plates daily. When germination begins, mark germinated seed with an X on the lid of the plate and record number in an excel file. Do this continually for the first 8 days after germination and then every 2-3 days until plates have been incubated for 28 days. Add water as needed and reseal plates.