General protocol for completing Koch's Postulates to prove that a pathogen is causing a specific disease.
General protocol for completing Koch's Postulates to prove that a pathogen is causing a specific disease.
Collection of the samples from the field with a zoysia plugger.
Collected samples from the field are planted in pots filled with green sand in the greenhouse.
Preparation of the plugs from pure culture on PDA for inoculations of the plants.
Inoculations of the plants with plugs from pure culture on PDA. The plug is introduced in the canopy close to the soil.
Spritzing the inoculated plants with D.I. water before incubate them.
Sealing the plants with a plastic bag and a rubber band before the incubation in the growth chamber.
Each plant is set in a Petri Dish filled with water.
Plants arranged in the growth chambers previously set up on 25°C with a photoperiod of 12 hours night/day.