Our turfgrass pest diagnostic and research lab is located in 11 Tyson Building and is where we conduct plant pathogen research and provide diagnostic services for commercial turfgrass managers.
Research Projects
The turfgrass industry is constantly evolving with new challenges appearing annually. Our lab focuses on identifying key problems faced by golf course superintendents and others in the turfgrass industry, conducting basic and applied research trials to solve these issues, and providing cultural and chemical management solutions for end users.
Find out more about our research and product evaluation trials.
Diagnostic Services
This service is designed for managers of high quality turfgrass such as athletic fields and golf courses. The primary difference between our service and other similar services is a rapid turnaround time and the direct involvement of turfgrass diagnostic experts. For this reason, it is always important to call (814-863-0918) PRIOR TO SENDING samples to make sure that the lab is accepting samples.
Visit the Turf Pest Diagnostic Lab for more information on submitting samples.