The Landscape Management Research Center was established in 1984 to meet the needs of the rapidly growing and diversifying landscaping industry.
The Landscape Management Research Center was established in 1984 to meet the needs of the rapidly growing and diversifying landscaping industry. With emphasis on turfgrass management of residential and commercial lawns, athletic fields, sod farms, and roadsides, the Center is constantly expanding to serve the needs of all the components of the landscape. An important component of the Center's research program is water quality. The effects of nutrients and pesticides that are commonly applied to turf are assessed for their impact on runoff and percolating water.
Facilities and Research
Nearly 12 acres of plot land (mostly irrigated) have been established with various turfgrasses and landscape plantings. Pest control (weeds, diseases, and insects) in turf is a major research emphasis at the Center, along with fertilizer and growth regulator evaluations, shade tolerance, grass variety evaluation, wildflower and ornamental grass evaluation, thatch management, runoff and leachate water quality, water infiltration studies, soil modification, and mowing management studies.
Represented are the Departments of Plant Science, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Entomology, and Plant Pathology.
Department of Plant Science
102 Tyson BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802
Department of Plant Science
102 Tyson BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802