Do you have any fond memories of your years at Penn State? Do you feel that you have something to share, based upon your work experiences, that might enhance the curriculum for future graduates?

If so, we would like to invite you to become an active member in the Agronommy Alumni Group. This group has been formed to foster interaction between the Department of Plant Science alumni and friends, and to act as a source of support and information for the benefit of the department and students. As an Agronomy graduate, whether in crops, soils or turf, you are already a member of the Alumni Group.

As a sanctioned group under the College of Agricultural Sciences Alumni Society (CAAS) , our Group enjoys special rights and privileges to operate under the protective umbrella of the Penn State Alumni Association , and it grants us a seat on the CAAS Board of Directors.

The Alumni Group Board has voted unanimously not to charge dues for membership in the hopes of stimulating something more important: Participation. We expect to raise the operational funds our group needs through voluntary donations from members who feel our mission is worthy.

The Board has identified key areas to focus its development efforts. They include:

  • Annual Meeting - a social and informational reunion for the membership and the Department. Historically this has been held in conjunction with the CAAS Tailgate
  • Curriculum - alumni serve as a sounding board for the department
  • Mentoring - provided by alumni, this program benefits students and alumni
  • Communications - a newsletter being a conduit for communication
  • Membership - to encourage and solicit active membership among alumni and friends of the Department

A response form is available, asking you to let us know how active you would like to be in the Alumni Group. Your involvement can be as simple as you like. Please respond today.

If you are considering becoming a lifetime member of the Penn State alumni society, you can help the Group financially by entering the letters "GAC" in the lower right corner of the membership card under "Group Code". The Alumni Society will give the Alumni Group $50 for each lifetime membership recruited.

Mission Statement

The Agronomy Alumni Group was formed specifically for the benefit of the Penn State Department of Plant Science (formerly Agronomy), its alumni and students. The Alumni Group will focus its efforts in the development of a system that will facilitate internships, mentors, and career resources for the mutual benefit of students, alumni and interested industries/businesses.

Our organization will establish channels of communication between faculty, alumni and industry/business for the exchange of ideas and the rapid identification of industrial and academic trends.

Alumni Newsletter

The annual alumni newsletter.

Distinguished Alumni Award

The purpose of this awards is to recognize outstanding Department of Agronomy alumni and to foster closer relationships between the award recipients and students, faculty, staff, and other alumni. All alumni of the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences (Agronomy) are eligible. This includes graduates of all associate, baccalaureate, master's, and Ph.D. programs. Nominations are due January 15.

Department of Plant Science


102 Tyson Building
University Park, PA 16802

Department of Plant Science


102 Tyson Building
University Park, PA 16802