Horticulture Research Farm
There are 100 research acres at the Hort Farm. We presently have 8 acres of apples, 1.5 acre peaches, 4 acres shade trees and conifers, .5 acres strawberries, 1 acre raspberries, and 0.25 acres of grapes. Approximately 25 acres are utilized annually for small-plot research crops. The remaining acreage involves the crop rotation crops, wheat, red clover, buckwheat, soybeans, sweet corn and field corn.
Irrigation has been available from a two-acre and a five-acre pond. Separate distribution systems from these ponds were recently linked together to provide better coverage to the research plot areas. We utilize trickle, fixed overhead and a traveling gun to provide irrigation to the research crops and orchard.
Agronomy Research Farm
The Agronomy Research Farm includes 340 acres, 190 acres of which are suitable for small plot research. Most professors and graduate students in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences conduct their field experiments at this research farm, especially work in soil fertility and chemistry, grain crop and legume management, weed management, forage management, and plant breeding.
Department of Plant Science
102 Tyson BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802
Department of Plant Science
102 Tyson BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802