The Turfgrass Pest Diagnostic Lab provides rapid diagnostics of turfgrass diseases, insects and weeds for commercial turfgrass managers throughout the United States. Our goal is to provide quick and accurate diagnoses and pest control recommendations where needed.
This service is designed for managers of high quality turfgrass such as athletic fields, golf courses and sod farms. The primary difference between our service and other similar services is a rapid turnaround time and the direct involvement of turfgrass diagnostic experts. For this reason, it is always important to call (814-863-0918) prior to sending samples to make sure that the lab is accepting samples.
Submit this diagnostic Submission Form with your samples
The price is $125 per sample. These fees cover a prioritized diagnosis within 24 hours of receiving your sample, a full diagnostic report with information on the diagnosed pest(s) and any control recommendations, and access to trained turfgrass experts to answer any questions you may have.
Turfgrass Sample Submission Guidelines
- Submit generous amounts of plant material from the edge of the diseased area representing a range of symptoms (part dead part healthy). Two cup cutter plugs are usually sufficient. Aeration cores are not.
- Don't add water. Samples should be wrapped in aluminum foil, newspaper, paper towel, etc. Do not place samples in plastic bags. Ensure that soil is secure and not able to mix with turfgrass tissues during the shipping process.
- Deliver or ship samples via express courier immediately after collecting. Do not send samples if collected more than 12 hrs prior to shipping. Get new samples.
- Complete this Submission Form and send with your sample(s). Images can help with an accurate diagnosis and can be emailed to
- Samples cannot be received on Saturday or Sunday; ship accordingly.
- Dr. John Kaminski is the Penn State faculty contact overseeing this service. You may contact Dr. Kaminski's Lab to advise when samples have been sent or for questions regarding this service.
Ship Samples Overnight or Hand Deliver to
Turfgrass Pest Diagnostic Lab
Penn State
11 Tyson Building
1971 Shortlidge Road
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: (814) 863-0918
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