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Chapter 8 from Grassland: Quietness and Strength for a New American Agriculture.
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For 119 y the fungal parasite Tilletia buchloe¨ana has been known to induce female sex organs (pistils) in male plants of buffalograss, making them hermaphrodite. Here we report the life cycle...
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TURF 436 (Case Studies in Turfgrass Management) is the capstone course for turfgrass science majors at the Pennsylvania State University. Students are introduced to problems...
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Annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.; ABG) can be a major weed problem in golf course turf. Research-based information on the seasonal emergence patterns of ABG is limited. The objectives of this four-year field study..
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(J. of Extension, 2007) A field day event was used to demonstrate the value of proper pesticide application methods to turfgrass. A single fungicide was applied through...
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Spent mushroom substrate (SMS) is used by the turf industry in the northeastern United States for soil improvement. When tilled into soil at...
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(GCM, 2006) Using the right nozzle my save your grass...
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Dollar spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa F.T. Bennett) is a common and destructive disease of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.). In 2003 and 2004, field studies were conducted to evaluate 14- and 21-day sequential...
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Limited information is available with regards to chemical and cultural management strategies for dead spot. Two field studies were designed...
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(HortScience, 2004) Natural organic fertilizers require microbial degradation for nitrogen (N) release, but their ability to promote rapid turfgrass establishment has not...
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Natural organic fertilizers require microbial degradation for nitrogen (N) release, but their ability to promote rapid turfgrass establishment has not been well documented in newly...
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Natural organic fertilizers require microbial degradation for nitrogen (N) release, but their ability to promote rapid turfgrass establishment has not been well documented in newly constructed sand-based...
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(GCM, 2004) Some herbicides and a plant growth regulator were not harmful when applied to creeping bentgrass seedlings four weeks after emergence.
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(GCM, 2003) Bacterial Wilt is difficult to identify and its causal organism is uncertain, but proper management practices can help prevent it and curtail its spread.
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The objectives of this 3-year field study were to: (i) elucidate environmental conditions associated with the expression of...
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(Plant Disease, 2006) Little is known about the biology or genetic diversity of the pathogen. O. agrostis is unusual in that it produces prodigious numbers of pseudothecia...
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(Plant Disease, 2005) The main goal of this study was to develop a polymerase chain reaction based technique capable of quickly identifying O. agrostis within infected creeping bentgrass tissues.
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Dead spot (Ophiosphaerella agrostis) is a damaging disease of young (≤6 years old) creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera)...
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Ophiosphaerella agrostis, the causal agent of dead spot of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera), can produce prodigious numbers of pseudothecia and ascospores throughout the summer...
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(Plant Disease, 2002) This project was designed to determine the susceptibility of field-grown bentgrass cultivars to BDS and to gather information regarding the geographic distribution and field conditions favoring the disease.
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(Plant Disease, 2002) Little is known about the biology of O. agrostis; hence the primary goal of this study was to determine some basic biological properties of the pathogen and epidemiological components of the disease.