Methiozolin is a promising new postemergent herbicide that is capable of selectively removing annual bluegrass from various turfgrass species. Various research projects investigate the safety and efficacy of this novel herbicide on golf course putting greens.
Han, K. M. 2012. Influence of cultural and chemical management strategies on annual bluegrass populations on golf course putting greens. M.S. Thesis. The Pennsylvania State University. Download Thesis.
Han, K. M. and J. Kaminski. 2011. Control of perennial annual bluegrass biotypes with postemergence herbicides. Proc. Crop Sci. Soc. Amer. 104:30. Read Abstract.
Han, K. M. and J. Kaminski. 2012. Influence of methiozolin rates and application timings on Poa annuapopulations. Proc. Crop Sci. Soc. Amer. 366:25.