Ambrosia spp.



Ambrosia elatior, Annual Ragweed, Bitterweed, Blackweed, Hay-fever Weed, Hog-weed, Mayweed, Wild Tansy

ID Characteristics

Life cycle: Summer annual
Growth Habit: Erect
Propagation: Seed
Leaf Margin: Deeply cleft
Leaf Hairs: Hairy to smooth
Leaf Structure: Compound; rounded to slightly pointed lobes
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Root Type: Fibrous root system
Flower Color: Green


Similar Species

Herbicidal Control Options

  • Preemergence: Isoxaben
  • Post Emergence: 2,4-D, Chlorsulfuron, Clopyralid, Fluroxypyr, MCPA, Quinclorac, Sulfosulfuron, Triclopyr, Trifloxysulfuron

Please note: one or more of these active ingredients may exist in combination-type brand name products. Any material used for herbicidal control of any plant may vary in efficacy. Please read the full disclaimer on herbicide usage.