1. Implementing Integrated Veg. Management on PA's Roadsides
PDF document, 17.3 KB
2. Improving the Success of Roadside Tree and Shrub Plantings
PDF document, 456.2 KB
3. Managing Tree-of-Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) on Roadsides
PDF document, 6.1 MB
4. Tips for Managing Problem Weeds in Forest and Wildlife Settings
PDF document, 102.4 KB
5. Managing Japanese and Giant Knotweed on Roadsides
PDF document, 864.4 KB
5a. Managing Japanese and Giant Knotweed on Roadsides
PDF document, 355.8 KB
6. Selecting Plant Materials for the Next Generation of Roadside Groundcover
PDF document, 813.6 KB
7. Suggested Herbicide Mixtures for Roadside Vegetation Management
PDF document, 9.4 MB
8. Herbicide Resistance on Pennsylvania Roads
PDF document, 253.3 KB
9. Managing Wild Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.) along Roadsides
PDF document, 2.2 MB
This factsheet describes the characteristics and management of wild parsnip in Pennsylvania's roadside settings.