About the Department
Penn State’s hub for advancing the understanding, management, and use of plants.
The Penn State Department of Plant Science is a national leader in teaching, research, and extension programs. Our small-school atmosphere provides a warm, welcoming, intellectually stimulating, and professional environment.
Our undergraduate program currently offers three four-year majors: Plant Sciences, Landscape Contracting, and Turfgrass Science. We also offer a two-year program in Golf Course Turfgrass Management, online turfgrass degrees, and certificates, and minors in Agronomy, Arboriculture, and Horticulture.
Facilities to support our teaching efforts include more than 37,000 square feet of greenhouse space and growth chambers, a 650-acre agronomy research farm, a 100-acre horticulture research farm, the 26-acre Valentine Research Farm for turfgrass, and two landscape design studios. Faculty at the Berks campus also teach horticulture courses and advise potential Plant Sciences, Turfgrass, and Landscape Contracting students. Our Undergraduate Advising Center provides students with individual counseling and facilitates the transition of students from other Penn State campuses to University Park. Students also have access to international study tours, internships, and undergraduate research opportunities, and the department offers more than $125,000 in scholarships annually.
Our graduate program includes Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Agricultural and Environmental Plant Science, and an online Master of Professional Studies degree in Turfgrass Management. The department participates in three intercollege programs (Ecology, Molecular Cellular and Integrative Biosciences, and Plant Biology). Opportunities exist for international study and research experience.
Research activities span the entire range of the plant sciences, including plant molecular biology, plant genetics and breeding, plant physiology, ecology, agronomic and horticultural crop production and marketing, and postharvest handling.
Research information generated on campus and at our three Research and Extension Centers located in Biglerville, Landisville, and Northeast is made available to Pennsylvania residents through our extension programs. Extension specialists, along with county educators, transfer science-based information through educational meetings, extension bulletins, newsletters, and websites. The Penn State Extension Master Gardener program is administered by our department with more than 2,300 trained volunteers in 58 counties to educate the public on best practices in consumer horticulture and environmental stewardship.
Meet our faculty, staff, and students, and see why we are one of the premier plant science hubs in the country.
Mission Statement
The Department of Plant Science’s mission is to enhance our understanding and management of agronomic and horticultural crops and managed landscapes that are the foundation for managed ecosystems, food and fiber production, landscapes, and environmental quality to enhance human environments. We educate students regarding stewardship of these systems, helping to prepare them for fulfilling private- and public-sector employment; we discover answers to complex problems that threaten sustainable land use and food production through science-based research; and we communicate our research findings through scholarly publications and relevant outreach programs to enhance the quality of life for residents of Pennsylvania and the world.
Vision Statement
The Department of Plant Science will lead in the development and application of science-based knowledge for understanding and managing diverse and sustainable landscapes and agroecosystems that protect ecosystem functions and community well-being. We will be universally recognized for teaching programs that educate future decision makers and managers in industries involving plants. We will continue to respond to developing problems, but we will seek to be forward looking and proactive in the stewardship of natural resources. To accomplish this vision, we must expand multidisciplinary teams to address critical regional, national, and international needs. We strive to evolve our learning and outreach activities to address current and future economic, social, and technological developments and maintain an active dialogue with managers of rural and urban landscapes.
Core Values
- Excellence, creativity, and productivity in the scholarship of resident and distance education, research, and extension/outreach
- Openness and respect in a work environment that values everyone as unique individuals and promotes professional and personal growth and development
- Interdisciplinary collaboration and communication to enhance and disseminate knowledge related to plants and solve problems for the common good
- Commitment to recognize, investigate, and address important emerging issues raised by our stakeholders
Latest News
February 27, 2025
New computer vision system can guide specialty crops monitoring
Soilless growing systems inside greenhouses, known as controlled environment agriculture, promise to advance the year-round production of high-quality specialty crops, according to an interdisciplinary research team at Penn State. But to be competitive and sustainable, this advanced farming method will require the development and implementation of precision agriculture techniques. To meet that demand, the team developed an automated crop-monitoring system capable of providing continuous and frequent data about plant growth and needs, allowing for informed crop management.
Read MoreFebruary 18, 2025
Penn State turfgrass science students succeed at two national competitions
Students from Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences are starting the year out with wins at two turfgrass industry national competitions.
Read MoreFebruary 17, 2025
Penn State turfgrass management students receive record amount of scholarships
Students in the two-year Golf Course Turfgrass Management Program in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences achieved a historic milestone this academic year, receiving more than $100,000 in scholarships — the highest awarded in the program’s history.
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February 7, 2025
Degrees in turfgrass tee off second career for Penn State World Campus graduate
A need for industry knowledge led Jeffrey Dorn to enroll in the Penn State Turfgrass Science program, offered online through Penn State World Campus, which fit into his new career and family life.
Read MoreUpcoming Events
Prospective Student Visit: Business, Education, and Community Interest Area
March 17, 2025
University Park, PA
Prospective Student Visit: Environment, Natural Resources, and Sustainability Interest Area
March 21, 2025
University Park, PA
Prospective Student Visit: Plants and the Green Industry Interest Area
March 24, 2025
University Park, PA
Prospective Student Visit: Business, Education, and Community Interest Area
April 4, 2025
University Park, PA
Department of Plant Science
102 Tyson BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802