Q: If you had to do it again would you do the two year or the four year program and why?

A: I would still do the two year program because it is all meat and potatoes, no filler. The electives are all relevant (tree climbing, plant propagation, small engine repair).

Q: Why do you think the two year program at Penn State is the best two year program in the country?

A: A great education boils down to those that teach you! I know some other colleges use superintendents and while that sounds flattering, when you are trying to get as much knowledge into someone's head as quick as possible it is better to use professional educators for that task! The faculty at Penn State program is superior to any other faculty at a two year college anywhere!

"A great education boils down to those that teach you! I know some other colleges use superintendents and while that sounds flattering, when you are trying to get as much knowledge into someone's head as quick as possible it is better to use professional educators for that task! The faculty at Penn State program is superior to any other faculty at a two year college anywhere!"

Q: Why do you think the Alumni Base is so strong and is that important to you?

A: This is tough to define, but the entire Penn State Alumni are tight there is something magical about graduating from Penn State! Perhaps it is our old football coach and his stance on decency and hard work and how that correlates with long term success. Perhaps it is the remoteness of the campus and that country influence that gets into your soul. For this old turfgrass graduate, it was Dr. Duich's vision of expanding his graduates out across the entire USA and now Dr Kaminski's vision of expanding it across the world. I can't define it; I just know I am very proud to be a 2 year Turfgass Graduate from Penn State University. When I fill out questionnaires and it lists length of education I am proud to put certificate, everyone knows he is a PSU disciple!
