February 27, 2025
Soilless growing systems inside greenhouses, known as controlled environment agriculture, promise to advance the year-round production of high-quality specialty crops, according to an interdisciplinary research team at Penn State. But to be competitive and sustainable, this advanced farming method will require the development and implementation of precision agriculture techniques. To meet that demand, the team developed an automated crop-monitoring system capable of providing continuous and frequent data about plant growth and needs, allowing for informed crop management.

November 27, 2024
In conjunction with National Teach Ag Day, undergraduate students in agricultural and extension education in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences recently put their budding teaching skills to work during a pilot career immersion event for high school students.

October 8, 2024
Faculty members in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences have launched a new project to help agricultural producers tackle the challenges of growing microgreens, fast-growing crops that are popular for their year-round availability and high demand in premium markets.

September 24, 2024
Weeds are a major factor limiting yield in organic vegetable and other horticultural crop systems, and the lack of effective biological weed-management solutions is a significant obstacle to the adoption of organic farming practices. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has awarded a four-year, $1 million grant to a team led by plant scientists and an economist from Penn State to investigate anaerobic soil disinfestation, a microbial-driven process to manage weeds, to support transitioning from conventional to organic production systems.

May 21, 2024
The Sustainable Labs Program provides educational support and networking opportunities to labs across Penn State, helping them implement changes to become more energy and resource efficient. Actions taken by participating labs are estimated to result in over $155,000 in savings for the University and reduce about 490 tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually.

April 16, 2024
High-tunnel growing systems, sometimes called hoophouses, have gained popularity for their ability to enhance growth conditions and extend the growing season of horticultural crops. Now, a team led by Penn State researchers has demonstrated that growers can select various plastic film coverings on the structures — depending on their desired light-filtering properties — to protect plants and enhance their health.

April 2, 2024
Graduate students in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences were lauded for their achievements during the 2024 Graduate Student Award Celebration, hosted by the Office for Research and Graduate Education and held March 20 on the University Park campus.

February 16, 2024
Native to the eastern U.S., the plant, azolla caroliniana Willd — commonly known as Carolina azolla — also could ease food insecurity in the near future, according to findings recently published in Food Science & Nutrition.

November 21, 2023
Francesco Di Gioia, assistant professor of vegetable crop science, received the Early Achievement in Research Award. His lab at Penn State focuses on addressing the needs of Pennsylvania’s vegetable industry by developing and facilitating the adoption of new technologies and efficient production systems.

August 25, 2023
Selection of tested microgreens can be a good source of minerals showing a high potential to address different dietary needs; however, their yield potential and mineral profile are largely determined by the genotype.

May 3, 2023
This study has demonstrated that zinc biofortification through seed nutri-priming achieves needed levels of zinc in the young pea and sunflower plants. These results have implications for both global "hidden hunger' and emergency or catastrophe preparedness.

May 17, 2022
A low-power, wide-area wireless network called LoRaWAN is a low-cost, easily implemented online arrangement effective for precision crop irrigation. The system, powered by batteries charged by solar panels, controlled the timing, rate and distribution of water.

October 19, 2021
In an effort to boost the profitability and sustainability of organic specialty crop production systems, a team of scientists is improving and optimizing anaerobic soil disinfestation as a management approach to control soilborne pests and pathogens and promote soil health.

September 28, 2021
Starting decades ago as fashionable, high-value gourmet greens, today microgreens have gained popularity among consumers for their nutritional profile and high content of antioxidant compounds. Now, a new study suggests that the tiny plants have the potential to help provide global nutrition security.

July 16, 2021
We made eating greens more convenient. Can we make it truly democratic?