Projects in the lab are mostly funded by US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association (PVGA), Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA).
Role |
Agency |
Grant Title & Dates |
PI |
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA)– Specialty Crop Block Grant |
Advancing the Sustainability of Indoor Urban Agricultural Systems 2023-2025 |
PI |
PDA – Specialty Crop Block Grant |
Developing Plasma Agriculture Solutions to Improve Vegetable Yield and Quality 2023-2025 |
Co-PI |
PDA – Specialty Crop Block Grant |
Optimization of drying of CBD-hemp for improved product quality 2023-2025 |
PI |
Sustainable vegetable production 2023-2028
PI |
Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association (PVGA) |
Evaluation of rapid on-farm monitoring tools for the in-season and site-specific management of the fertigation in high tunnel vegetable production systems 2023-2024 |
Co-PI |
USDA NIFA – Equipment grant
Shimadzu GC-2030 Greenhouse Gas Chromatograph (GC) for a multi-user soils research lab 2022-2026 |
PI |
PDA – Specialty Crop Block Grant |
Employing Agronomic Biofortification Techniques for the Production of High-Value Functional Vegetable Crops 2022-2024 |
PI |
USDA NIFA - Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative (OREI) |
Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation for Enhancing and Advancing the SustainabilitY of Organic Specialty Crop Production Systems (ASD-EASY Organic) 2021-2025 |
Co-PI |
Open Philanthropy |
Food Resilience in the Face of Catastrophic Global Events 2020-2025 |
Co-PI |
USDA NIFA - Crop Protection and Pest Management (CPPM) |
Enhancing regional adoption of anaerobic disinfestation for soilborne disease management in high tunnel vegetable production systems 2021-2024 |
PI |
PDA – Specialty Crop Block Grant |
Optimizing Genotype Selection and Management Practices for the Sustainable Production of Hemp in Pennsylvania 2021-2023 |
PI |
Exploring Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation as a Biological Method to Manage Root-Knot Nematodes and Enhance Soil Health in High Tunnel Vegetable Production Systems 2021-2022 |
Co-PI |
Evaluation of rootstock-scion interaction and yield performance in fresh-market tomato grown in high-tunnel 2021-2022 |
Co-PI |
No-till vs. Plasticulture Tomatoes: Examining Yield, Earliness, and Soil Health 2020-2021 |
Co-PI |
PDA – Specialty Crop Block Grant |
Identification and Mitigation of Soilborne Pathogens Using ASD in PA Tomato High Tunnel Production 2020-2022 |
Co-PI |
PDA – Specialty Crop Block Grant |
Yield Performance and Quality of Sweet potato Grown under High and Low Tunnel Systems 2020-2023 |
Co-PI |
PDA – Specialty Crop Block Grant |
Optimizing Varieties and Nutrient Requirements for Sustainable Production of Hemp in Pennsylvania 2020-2022 |
PI |
Implementing on-farm monitoring tools for the in-season sustainable management of soil fertility and health in high tunnel conventional and organic vegetable production systems 2020-2021 |
Co-PI |
Keeping PA Vegetable Growers Profitable: Statewide Cultivar Trials 2020-2021 |
Co-PI |
Open Philanthropy |
Food Resilience in the Face of Catastrophic Global Events – Pilot project 2019-2020 |
PI |
Assessment of nitrogen input requirement of grafted and non-grafted fresh market tomato grown in high-tunnel 2020-2021 |
Co-PI |
USDA Northeast SARE |
Sensor-Based Precision Irrigation System for Tree Fruit and Vegetable Crops 2019-2021 |
PI |
Development of Sensor-Based Vegetable Irrigation Systems 2019 |
Co-PI |
Keeping PA Vegetable Growers Profitable: Statewide Cultivar Trials 2019-2020 |
PI |
NCSU - Subcontract |
Growing New Roots: Grafting to Enhance Resiliency in U.S. Vegetable Industries 2018-2021 |
PI |
USDA-ARS - Subcontract |
Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation 2018-2023 |
PI |
Developing tools for the site-specific nutrient management of vegetable crops in Pennsylvania 2018-2019 |
PI |
Vegetable grafting as a sustainable tool to improve tomato tolerance to alkalinity stress 2018-2019 |