Ongoing Research Projects
Advancing the Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation method (ASD)
ASD is a biological treatment method (as an alternative to conventional chemical treatment of soil) towards the pre-planting management of soil-borne pests and pathogens (fungal and bacterial pathogens, plant-parasitic nematodes and weeds) affecting horticultural crops.
Enhancing food resilience and nutrition security
Food Resilience in the Face of Catastrophic Global Events
We work on Agronomic Biofortification of Microgreens as an agricultural strategy towards post catastrophe preparedness and help to address global 'hidden hunger'.
Enhancing water and nutrient use efficiency
Sensor-Based Precision Irrigation System for Tree Fruit and Vegetable Crops.
Development of Sensor-Based Vegetable Irrigation Systems.
Developing tools for the site-specific nutrient management of vegetable crops in Pennsylvania.
Implementing on-farm monitoring tools for the in-season sustainable management of soil fertility and health in high tunnel conventional and organic vegetable production system.
Validating and transferring rapid monitoring tools for the in-season site-specific nutrient management of vegetable crops in high tunnels.
A Vegetable and Small Fruit Team Effort: Leading the Way in Understanding Protected Culture Systems.
Developing new production systems and market opportunities
Yield and Quality of Sweetpotato Grown under Protected Culture Systems.
Hemp industry
Our work focuses on optimizing genotype selection and management practices for the sustainable production of Hemp in Pennsylvania including optimizing varieties and nutrient requirements.
Past Projects
Growing New Roots: Grafting to Enhance Resiliency in U.S. Vegetable Industries
-Assessment of nitrogen input requirement of grafted and non-grafted fresh-market tomato grown in high-tunnel
- Vegetable grafting as a sustainable tool to improve tomato tolerance to alkalinity stress