I am currently working on a master'' degree in Silviculture under Dr. Eric Zenner at Penn State. I am investigating mixed oak stand dynamics through a retrospective stem analysis study. In particular I am interested in comparing growth patterns of oaks and common competing species throughout Pennsylvania. My interest in pursuing a graduate degree was sparked during my two years of work as a technician in the Weed Ecololgy Lab, beginning in the spring of 2005. During 2006-2007, under the direction of Dr. Andy Hulting and Dr. Joe Dauer, I completed an undergraduate research project studying hydrologic dispersal of Japanese knotweed. Through my work in the Weed Ecology Lab, I learned a great deal about applied ecological research and met some teriffic folks! Following my graduate work, I plan to engage in small scale agriculture and sustainable forest management In my spare time I enjoy eating ice cream, gardening, and thinning overstocked forest stands.